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Nov. 7, 2012



Comment by Mona CAllender 13 minutes ago

I feel bad for those of us that are 70 and above, there is no health care plan for them. my mother pasted away last month she was 86, she was taken to one hospital and they sent her home.....2 days later she died in the er of another hospital, WITH pneumonia and a severe bladder infection. But, the other hospital said she didn't have anything wrong with what would you think?

Comment by Healani 6 hours ago

I am really scared Philip. I feel like we are going to be in a living Hell. I am afraid that OBummer will be more of a dictator then a president, not that he sort of has been already but since he doesn't have to worry about re election he is going to go full force and he will not let anyone stop him legal or not.   And I keep remembering him telling Putin to wait for him to be re elected and he will have more freedom to do what ever the hell he wants!! My words of course but that is what he meant!