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Nov. 5, 2012

Dictator Barack Obama ignores our lawful government with his Czars and
Executive Orders which replace our official Cabinet and Legislature.

Where are the people who are supposed to guarantee our Constitutional

System of Checks and Balances to insure legal operation of our


    Obama seems to have studied Adoph Hitler's strategy of taking over

the Nazi Germany society during the 1930's.

    A few International financiers are controlling our media to hide the

takeover of our government to becoming a part of  forming a new

One-World United Nations Socialist-Communist government.

    It seems that many Americans like the plenty of discretionary time

provided by poor employment opportunities resulting in low income aided

by many "something for nothing" government benefits, and are willing to

continue this feeling good lifestyle of socializing, recreation, sports,

computer gaming, texting, and just loafing.

    Conservative people want to work hard creating a worthwhile lifestyle

to make the world a better place.  They don't enjoy much discretionary

time when they can see so much good they can be doing.  These are the

kind of people who created the greatness of the United States back when

the U.S. Constitution gave us the freedom to do all this.

    These are the two directly opposite kinds of people fighting each

other here in America -- mostly Democrats and Republicans.  Republicans

want a smaller government to allow people opportunities to try to make

the world a more useful place.  The Democrats want an all inclusive

socialism government to provide for all their needs and regulations, thus

allowing them more time for enjoying life and unusual morality.


    Most leftist media are silencing all news about President Barack

Obama's bewildering Benghazi coverup at least until after the election

November 6th.  But we are getting the complete action from Libyan

internet emails and websites with eye-witness reports, videos, photos,

and Facebook.  We just don't know the names of who to blame.

    At last, how and why Obama was able to electronically watch the

entire planned terrorist attack on Benghazi, why he had refused any

security, and why he forbid any rescue attempts, including stopping and

firing his Middle East top admiral, top general, and another full general

as they started organizing rescue teams forbid by Obama.

    Three Senate and Congress committees are investigating Obama's

shameful mishandling of the Benghazi planned attack, showing videos of

actual arms and mortars and faces of known terrorist gang leaders.

    Obama's whole White House administration stupidly conspired to lie

for more than two weeks that this was only a  spotaneous protest attack

caused by a six-month-old video about Mohammad, but protesters wouldn't

have access to arms and mortars.

    Democrats claim that Republicans are using Benghazi only to

politically hurt Obama's re-election, and they shouldn't believe the

mountains of undisputable reports and videos their eyes and ears

have already observed, because Democrats are conducting a thorough

investigation that will have to take many additional weeks, long after


    The following story by Sam Kephart has gathered huge volumes of

information, and analyzes why and what he thinks happened.

--REAL NEWS Editor



    First, a disclaimer: This report has been put together by me after

spending more than a dozen or more hours studying many, many different

news sources offering background  and insight on this matter.  I'm not

claiming any capital "T" truth here, but I believe the narrative below,

or something very close to it, is what actually occurred.


    Benghazi was another US led gun-running operation that was

compromised -- and it had a very bad ending.

    The CIA, working through friends in Turkey and Lebanon, was recycling

arms captured from the fallen Gaddafi regime in Libya and sending them to

the Syrian "rebels" fighting the Bashar al-Assad regime; he's the current

dictator of Syria.

    Our Ambassador Stevens, although technically a State Department

employee, was the point man in Northern Africa overseeing much of this


    Please note that it is VERY COMMON for American diplomats to

sometimes have dual responsibilities for a national security agency.

    The Big Problem here is that Syria has FOR DECADES been a "client

state" of Russia.

    Worse, Russia has a significant interest in a gas pipeline through

this region and in oil and gas in the region general.

    Russia's extensive influence over or direct control of natural gas

for Western Europe (and other energy deals) is exactly what's funding

Russia and financially propping-up Vladimir Putin's regime.

    As you may recall, Putin, from the age of 6, was quite literally

raised inside the KGB and eventually became its head.

    This US gun-running operation out of Benghazi to assist the Syrian

rebels in toppling Assad was, and is, a perceived direct threat to

Russia's national security interests.

    Putin and his administration in Russia have, on several prior

occasions, verbally warned against any plans to topple Assad and they

have blocked the UN from condemning him.

    Somewhere along the line, Russia got both wind and proof of this US

sponsored gun-running operation to help topple Assad -- and they decided

to counter-act it.

    Rusia, working through its proxy interests in Iran and elsewhere,

planned an attack on our facilities in Benghazi as both a warning and a


    Several para-military teams were highly-organized, trained, and sent

to Benghazi to attack our operation; this would serve as both a warning

AND a punishment.

    Let me be very clear here: At the end of the day, this attack was the

direct responsibility of Vladimir Putin and Rusia's FSS, the successor

organization to the formerly named KGB.

    A few hours prior to the attack, Ambassador Stevens met with a

Turkish diplomat.  He was informed in that meeting that his cover was

blown and that the gun-running operation had been compromised.

    Stevens already suspected this, as did many others in the chain of


    That's why Stevens and the State Department security team in the

weeks, days, and hours leading up to the attack had asked for more

protection, which not only was denied, but drawn down.

    Within minutes of the attack starting, the State Department, the

Defense Department, the White House, the CIA, the DIA, the NSA, the NRO

in Washington, D.C. were all watching the horror unfold, at first on

direct, closed-circuit TV from cameras on the grounds around the

facilities, and a little later using spy-in-the-sky drone and satellite

imaging technology.

    About a mile away from the residence compound where Ambassador

Stevens was attacked was what is being called an "annex".  It was really

the CIA's forward control room and central station for a portion of this

gun-running operation.

    There were well-armed and well-trained men in this room who

immediately wanted to aid the team with the Ambassador.  On multiple

occasions, they were told to "stand-down", i.e., stay put and don't get


    One of those eventually killed defending the Ambassador and the

others was former Navy SEAL, Tyrone Woods, now a civilian contractor for

this operation.  Mr. Woods couldn't stand the thought of Americans being

left to hang out in the wind only a mile away.  He basically said screw

this, disobeyed his stand-down orders, and left the Annex to defend the

compound.  This heroic decision ultimately cost him his life, although

reportedly he took out dozens of the attackers before he died.

    Concurrent with this, the Army General in charge of North Africa, Ham

Carter, who was also watching events unfold, couldn't take it and said

"screw it".  He was going to order his men in to assist; he was relieved

of his duty on the spot.

    So basically, you have four Americans abandoned to an hours long gun

battle and RPG attack that cost them their lives-- when all types of air,

drone, and rapid response support was available.

    The Big Boys in Washington just stood by and intentionally let them

die without ordering in reinforcements.

Who made the "stand-down" decision and why?

    Clearly, President Obama is responsible. He knew about it and either

Obama or those directly reporting to him gave the stand-down order.


    No "fog-of-war" crap. They were all watching this unfold on live,

real-time closed circuit TV.  Obama, Clinton, Panetta, et al were afraid

of this skirmish escalating into a scaled mini-war with "Black Hawk Down"

implications so close time wise to a very close Presidential  election.

    They were also dismayed because they now knew for sure (via

intercepted and decoded military communications during the attack) that

Putin and Russia were involved and didn't want any more downstream

repercussions than they already were facing.

    All this CLEARLY explains the bizarre public press conferences and

"tap-dances" about blaming the stupid anti-Muslim YouTube video, the

insistent avoidance of mentioning a terror attack, and why both Clinton

and Obama were behaving SO WEIRDLY around and could not look into the

eyes of Tyrone Woods' father when the bodies of the four dead Americans,

including Ambassador Stevens, were received back in America.

    Ambassador Stevens paid for his involvement in this gun-running

operation with his life -- and at the end, no re-inforcements came to

help him or his protectors.

We do not have a stand-up Commander-In-Chief.

    If you can't accept my summary of events or conclusion here, I

challenge you to go out on the web and do your own deep due diligence.

    It's all there; you just have to connect the dots.

--Best, Sam Kephart



    My Re-Election Is Too Important.  Stay Where You Are.  LET THEM DIE."

    If actions speak louder than words, then that's what Barack Obama

said. 'Let Them Die.'

    And we're not just talking about the four Americans who were brutally

killed in Benghazi, Libya.

    We're talking about the 20-30 other Americans who would have died if

American heroes Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty had not DISOBEYED Team

Obama's direct orders to stand down.

    No matter how you slice it, Americans were left to die because saving

their lives, to the thinking of some, might have threatened the

re-election prospects of Barack Hussein Obama.

    And Barack Hussein Obama must be forced to answer the question: "Why

were our troops told to stand down?"  He must be forced to answer the

question: "Why are you playing politics with the lives of Americans?"

    The American people will go to the polls in a matter of days and we

need answers NOW . . . and only you can make that happen.

    Help Was Always Less Than Two Hours Away.

     If you've been watching Fox News, you already know that the Obama

White House had real-time video access to the events of that fateful


    You know that Team Obama watched the consulate attack begin at around

9:40 PM (local time).  You know they watched events unfold for 7 hours at

the consulate and that they had full knowledge of a second wave that hit

the CIA Annex just a mile down the road that lasted well into dawn the

next day.

    You know that they didn't see a spontaneous protest over an obscure

YouTube video.  They saw a terrorist attack and they failed to act.

    Sadly, help was always less than two hours away, but Team Obama was

apparently too busy trying to concoct a cock-and-bull cover story that

was designed to preserve a campaign narrative instead of doing what

needed to be done to protect American lives.

    That's why the American people deserve to know all the sordid and

dirty details BEFORE the election.

    Jennifer Griffin with Fox News reported: "The fighting at the CIA

annex went on for more than four hours -- enough time for any planes

based in Sigonella Air base, just 480 miles away, to arrive.

    Fox News has also learned that two separate Tier One Special

operations forces were told to wait, among them Delta Force operators.  A

second force that specializes in counterterrorism rescues was on hand at

Sigonella, according to senior military and intelligence sources.

According to those sources, they could have flown to Benghazi in less

than two hours."

    Charles Woods, the father of slain ex-Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods said

"it's coming out right now that they actually had laser focused on the

mortars that were being sent to kill my son.  And they refused to pull

the trigger.  They refused to send in those C130s.  To me . . . those

people who made the decision and who knew about the decision and lied

about it, are murderers of my son."

    But Woods' pleas for help weren't simply denied once . . .  they were

denied multiple times.  Fox News again: "Officials denied military

requests to provide assistance three separate times during the seven-hour

attack on the consulate."

    And this is important . . .

    We have that information because whistleblowers are coming forward

with unclassified information and releasing it to Congressmen Darrell

Issa and Jason Chaffetz and a handful of others on the House Committee on

Oversight and Government Reform, and make no mistake, this information is

only coming to light because Issa and Chaffetz are making a stink and

whistleblowers feel secure in releasing information.

    But we have to ask, why are a handful of Republicans the only ones

making a stink?  It's not enough!  It's far from enough and lack of moral

outrage in Congress is shameful.

    Barack Hussein Obama isn't the only one who is AWOL, and if the

American people are going to get the answers they need BEFORE THE

ELECTION, some of our self-proclaimed Republican leaders need to step up

to the plate NOW -- and only you can make that happen.

    The 'Protect Obama Train' Is Moving Out Of The Station And Cowardly

Republicans Are On Board.

    Were Americans left to die to advance an Obama campaign narrative?

As far as we're concerned, that's a rhetorical question.

    Barack Obama continually tells us that "Osama bin-Laden is dead and

GM is alive," but the sad truth is that Osama bin-Laden's organization is

alive and well and Americans are dead because Team Obama didn't want the

American people to know the truth.

    And if you're asking yourself how Team Obama could have thought that

they could get away with sweeping this terrorist attack under the rug to

avoid contradicting their Osama-bin-Laden-is-dead narrative, understand

that they ARE getting away with it. reports: "The number of mentions of Charles Woods in

any media outlet that isn't FOX News is 1.  A blog post on US News and

World Report.  The number of stories on 'Binders of Women'? 15,542."

    Left-wing "news outlets" are calling the events at Benghazi a "faux

scandal."  One of Fox News' resident leftists. Geraldo Rivera, swaggered

onto the set of Fox And Friends and pontificated: "I think we have to

stop this politicizing."

    Rivera went on to castigate Darrell Issa for pursuing the matter and

said that Republican Senators John Barrasso, James Inhofe and Bob Corker,

who all sit on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee "all agree that the

supercharged atmosphere around the story -- prudence dictates that these

hearings be postponed until" after the election.

    You read that right.  Republican Senators are helping Obama cover-up

this shocking scandal.  Why?  Because they're listening to people like

Geraldo Rivera: "Do we want to try and influence the election with a

tragedy that happened in North Africa?" and that's UNACCEPTABLE.

    Newsflash Geraldo; Barack Hussein Obama has already "politicized"

this tragic event and Americans are dead as a result.

    He politicized it when he paraded members of his team before the

television cameras and advanced a stupid YouTube video cover story.

    He politicized it when he went in front of the UN and APOLOGIZED to

the thugs and tin-pot dictators of the world.

    He's still politicizing it by covering it up and matter-of-factly

saying that the deaths of innocent Americans is "not optimal."

    And by holding back on getting answers before the election,

Republicans in Congress are politicizing the issue as well.

    Did Barack Obama let brave Americans die because saving them would

have hurt his re-election campaign?  You'd better believe the American

people need the answer to that question right now.

    But our Republican leaders aren't listening to you. They're listening

to the elite media and the Washington establishment.

    You can make that change if you act now, but the clock is ticking.

 P.S. Barack Obama should be impeached for sacrificing American lives for

the sake of his re-election campaign.  Fax -- Call -- Raise a stink --

Now is the time to force our self-proclaimed Republican leaders to demand
