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Treason After Treason From The Obama Syndicate & Congress Still Refuses To Go Against The Traitor-In-Chief.

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Nov. 1, 2012

Yep! Treason after treason from the Obama syndicate and Congress still refuses to go against the Traitor-in-Chief.
There are already filed treason complaints against Obama which have been “accepted as meritorious” by the court. All it takes is one Grand Jury to begin the process. Thus far, still no one has been or is forthcoming. See:



———- Forwarded message ———-

From: Dave

Date: Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 7:56 PM

Subject: Bullsh*t!!

To: From one who wishes to be anonymous:

This should tick off every American who loves this Country and as a Marine, I can only tell you that ANY Commander of troops would act the same way and NEVER abandon Heroes to die without doing EVERYTHING possible to pull them out of this! Heads NEED to roll at the Whitehouse, Dept. of State, the CIA and the Pentagon…time for good Flag officers to stand up and if necessary, resign! Passed to us by a GREAT SgtMaj of Marines (Ret) from Washington State…Remember Nov 6, 2012!
A friend of mine’s nephew was on the Aircraft Carrier Stennis. His son emailed him what really happened. This is how he told the story, and while being part of the message traffic system at one time I think the information that was given to me was real.
The ship received a Authenticated Flash Message asking for help, when Admiral Gaovette started the ball rolling to launch help when another Authenticated Flash Message from the President came in telling them to Stand Down. (There is a special routing code used by only the president of the United States). He then continued to set in motion the help mission when he was relieved. A day later the whole communication center who handled Authenticated Secret/Top Secret Message Traffic was removed and spread around the fleet. We all berth in the same area of the ship and it was apparent to us there was a spy on this ship that had contact outside the fleet telling someone what was taking place. We had time to check outgoing message traffic before getting and it was done by some other means. Either e-mails or Sattelite Phone.
