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What REALLY happens if Obama wins?


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Oct. 25, 2012


Life in America under 4 more years of Barack Obama’s leadership

Gun and ammo sales are through the roof, as is the popularity of post-apocalyptic TV shows like "The Walking Dead" and "Revolution." Foreclosures, debt, the "misery index" and suicide rates are also way up, while employment, consumer confidence, median family income and optimism about the kind of country today's children will inherit are way, way down.


Against this turbulent backdrop, America – her people more polarized than at any time since the Civil War – faces the most staggeringly consequential election in generations.


In a very special pre-election issue, October's Whistleblower magazine provides a stunning "crystal ball" look at the future of America should Obama win reelection. It is titled, "THE TIPPING POINT: Life in America under 4 more years of Barack Obama's leadership."





Do you wonder what Obama will actually do when he has "more flexibility" after his "last election," as he confided to the Russian president, not realizing his microphone was live? Are you concerned about what will happen to America's already crippled free-enterprise system and to the U.S. and world economies in the next four years under Obama? Are you concerned about the nation's already-porous borders, or whether it will ever again have truly free elections? Are you anxious over the future of the Supreme Court, considering that the next president may appoint up to three new justices – which in turn will determine the future of abortion, gun control, same-sex marriage and other crucial issues? Are you concerned over what will become of Israel, and alarmed over the increasing radicalization of the entire Arab-Muslim Middle East, not to mention the Islamic juggernaut sweeping Europe and the U.S.? Do you worry about Obama gutting the military and leaving America vulne rable not only to terrorism, but to nuclear attack?


Beyond all of this, do you wonder how Americans will react should Obama be reelected and all these concerns become undeniable realities?


Will there be massive civil disobedience? Will there be violence? Will states attempt to secede from the union? Will America be able to survive Obama?


All these issues are addressed forthrightly in "THE TIPPING POINT." You will learn – from experts ranging from Aaron Klein and Dinesh D'Souza to Patrick Buchanan and Lord Monckton – how Obama is already making America vulnerable to both financial collapse and nuclear attack, and exactly how a second term will allow him to finish the job.


Highlights of "THE TIPPING POINT" include:






•   "My crystal ball" by David Kupelian, providing an eye-opening look at how Americans will react if Obama is reelected


•   "Obama's 2nd-term dream is America's nightmare" by Aaron Klein, who takes readers on a tour of Obama's upcoming policies, as revealed by the think tanks that created his first-term agenda


•   2nd-term plan: "Disarm border agents" (Protect illegal aliens in multitude of ways, grant amnesty, convert into voters)


•   2nd-term plan: "Take control of ‘every industry'" (Government's ‘success' with automaker bailouts to be replicated throughout economy)


•   2nd-term plan: "Institute 'Marxist' jobs plan" (Government-mandated 'living wage' could 'crash and burn' entire economy)


•   2nd-term plan: "Morph Obamacare into hardcore socialized medicine" (Single-payer system is waiting in the wings)


•   2nd-term plan: "Gut military and transform soldiers into social workers" (New focus on 'global warming,' 'injustice,' poverty, bolstering the U.N.)


•   "Burn down the suburbs?" by Stanley Kurtz, who documents the shocking truth that Obama is actually trying abolish America's suburbs


•   "Obama is bringing about ‘nightmare scenario'" by Troy Anderson, in which Dinesh D'Souza, the author and filmmaker who made "2016," says America is becoming vulnerable to both financial collapse and nuclear attack


•   "‘Life or death choice' in 2012" by Michael F. Haverluck, on the dire warning issued by a coalition of top pro-family, pro-life groups


•   "Top 10 reasons not to re-elect Obama" by Chuck Norris, on how the current administration has devastated America over the last 4 years


•   "Obama to Palestinians: Don't declare statehood until my election's over"


•   "Obama lunges toward global government" by Phyllis Schlafly, on how just one executive order is giving away "a huge slice of U.S. economic and environmental sovereignty"


•   "Romney-Ryan: Can they really cut the budget?" by Pat Buchanan, on what the GOP ticket will do if elected in November


•   "Freedom hangs by a ‘gossamer thread'" by Chuck Norris, who says the next president could nominate 3 new Supreme Court justices – and that the resulting high court will rule on Americans' Second Amendment rights and many others


•   "Can America survive Obama?" by Christopher Monckton of Brenchley, in which this modern-day de Tocqueville views America with great love – and great alarm.

    •   "Don't get fooled again!" by Joseph Farah, who focuses on Obama's plans for America when he has "more flexibility" after the election



"November's election is the tipping point," said WND Managing Editor David Kupelian, "perhaps the most existentially important election in our history. This issue of Whistleblower clearly reveals the specific consequences for all of us should Barack Obama be given the control levers of the most magnificent and divinely blessed nation in history for another four long years."


And as WND Editor and CEO Joseph Farah writes in October's Whistleblower: "What you hold in your hands right now is nothing less than political dynamite – the kind that if spread far and wide in the next few weeks can ensure Obama is not re-elected in November, so that he does not have the chance to institute an agenda even more radical than what he has already done."


SPECIAL OFFER: For a limited time, subscribe to Whistleblower, renew or give a gift subscription for one year and you'll get $10 off the already discounted rate (pay only $39.95 instead of the usual $49.95), plus you'll receive THREE free gifts:


First, you'll get a hardcover copy of the most devastating book of the election season, Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott's New York Times best-seller, "Fool Me Twice: Obama's Shocking Plans for the Next Four Years Exposed."


It has been featured on every major show from Hannity to Huckabee and has skyrocketed up all the bestseller lists. And no wonder: "Fool Me Twice" is the one and only book that reveals exactly what Obama is planning on doing in his second term as president. It unveils all the main areas of Obama's second-term domestic policy onslaught – jobs, wages, health care, immigration "overhaul," electoral "reform," national energy policy, Pentagon plans and more.


Most conservative books about Obama focus on his radical background and what he has done until now. But only "Fool Me Twice" lays bare the devastating details and consequences of a second Obama term as president. The book is based on exhaustive research into Obama's upcoming detailed presidential plans and policies as well as the specific second-term recommendations of major "progressive" groups behind Obama and the Democratic leadership – the organizations that help craft legislation and set the political and rhetorical agenda for the president and his allies. (A $25.95 value – FREE.)




Second, you'll get "The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists and Other Anti-American Extremists," Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott's previous New York Times best-seller about Obama and his team.


In it, the authors definitively expose just how dangerous Barack Obama really is as America's president and commander in chief, including:






•   Extremists exposed in the White House, including top czars and communist-linked Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod


•   Obama's health care policy was pushed and crafted by extremists


•   Obama's deep association with the anti-Semitic Nation of Islam (A $25.96 value – FREE!)

    •   Obama's deep ties to an anti-American fringe nexus instrumental in building his political career, some members of which are helping draft White House policy


Third, you'll get the very special Whistleblower report, "WHY OBAMA LIES: Exploring what's behind the president's glaring and unprecedented dishonesty."


One of our most popular issues ever, "WHY OBAMA LIES" features eye-opening and sometimes startling analysis from several different psychiatrists as to what has led to the president's extraordinary dishonesty – which Pulitzer prize-winning columnist George Will recently referred to as "Barack Obama's intellectual sociopathy – his often breezy and sometimes loutish indifference to truth." The issue examines in depth some of his most explosive and consequential deceptions. And, just in time for the election season, Whistleblower features a comprehensive and mind-boggling listing – running throughout the entire magazine – of Obama lies, each followed by proof of the statement's falsehood. (A $7.50 value – FREE.)


EVEN BETTER OFFER: Subscribe, renew or give a gift subscription for two years and not only will you receive "Fool Me Twice," "The Manchurian President" and "WHY OBAMA LIES," but you'll get $10 off the already discounted two-year rate (pay only $74.95 instead of the usual $84.95).


This special offer for three FREE gifts will end October 31 and is valid in the U.S. only.








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If you prefer, you may order a single copy of the October issue, "THE TIPPING POINT."


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