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Benghazi Conspiracy Points to Obama and Muslim Brotherhood

Da Tagliare

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Oct. 24, 2012

There is a ton of information floating around about what really happened at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012.  If you listen to Obama, Biden and rest of that team, you will have already heard a number of lies and cover-ups.  And like so many other things, the more lying and covering up that is done, the more different conspiracy theories begin to abound.

What makes for a good conspiracy theory is having parts of it based on evidence that has been determined to be true.  Once you establish what is supposed to be true, you start adding the meat and flesh of your conspiracy around that frame until you get the creature you desire.

One conspiracy I recently read kind of peaked my interest.  I’m not saying this is true and I’m not saying it’s not true.  But there could be just enough truth in it to make it plausible.

According to Kris Zane at The Western Center For Journalism, he believes that the attack on the Consulate in Benghazi leads back to Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood which in turn leads back to the White House and President Barack Obama.

The reason I am presenting this particular conspiracy theory is that in lieu of all of Obama’s lies and deceptions, it actually sounds plausible.  I would not put it past him to have arranged something like this.  It also makes sense by the way the White House responded to the attacks in the first place.


Did you know that within one day prior to the attack in Benghazi that there had been only 17 views of the infamous Innocence of Muslims film in the three months the film had been posted on the internet?   How would such a non-viewed video be responsible for such an uprising?

We also have tons of evidence that Obama has done so much for Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood even though they are a very radical extremist group.  Obama has released hundreds of millions of dollars to them without Congress’ approval.  Ever since it was evident that the Muslim Brotherhood would assume control of Egypt, Obama has been their lackey, fetching whatever they wanted.

Let’s not forget about Hillary Clinton’s closest aide Huma Abedin whose mother is a member of the Muslim Sisterhood along with the wife of Egypt’s President Morsi.  Abedin has not denied having ties to the Muslim Brotherhood or other radical Islamic groups.

When you collect everything we know to be true and look at what this conspiracy purports to be true, you have to ask yourself if Obama was capable of doing what they suggest or not.  If he was and actually did, then he is guilty of treason to the United States and should be quickly and summarily brought to justice for his crime.

If you don’t believe it could be true, why don’t you?