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Stunned desperation

From the Desk of: Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation

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Sept. 17, 2012

Last week, a friend was visiting from out of town. I handed her a copy of "Team Obama," not sure how she would respond.

The next day, she came up to me with a look on her face that was a cross between totally stunned and desperation.

Even though she thought she knew a lot about Obama's past, my friend was stunned by what she read. She had never seen in one resource a "connect the dots" look at Obama's radical friends.

+ + Her look of stunned desperation ...

But it wasn't the stunned look on her face that really got my attention. It was her look of total desperation that caused me to listen closely to what she said next:

"Steve, most of my friends have no knowledge of what's in this resource. We've got to get the word out!"

She then proceeded to quiz me about what Grassfire is doing to spread the word about "Team Obama."

Truth be told, we're printing them and distributing them as fast as we can! But we've come to an end of the line, of sorts.

+ + End of the line for "Team Obama"

A few days ago, we received delivery of the second printing for "Team Obama." The problem is, nearly half of this printing has already been claimed by Grassfire team members.

Given that the election is now just seven weeks away, we won't have time to reprint the books again. That means, when we run out of the second printing, this resource will no longer be available.

+ + Orders Today Ship Within 48 Hours

The good news is, orders today are shipping within 48-72 hours. So you can be reading "Team Obama" in a matter of days.


 I want you to know the truth about Obama's past. I want you to have a resource that is designed to be easily shared with a neighbor or a co-worker who needs to know the truth.

Again, this is the final printing of "Team Obama" prior to the election. And we simply do not have enough copies for every Grassfire team member. Please go here now to order two copies of "Team Obama" for your contribution of ANY AMOUNT to Grassfire:

Even if you can contribute just $10 or $20 (whatever you can afford), we'll send you two copies of "Team Obama" -- one to keep and another to share with a friend or family member.

Seven weeks until the election. 

Stunned desperation. That look said it all.

Thank you in advance!

Steve Elliott

Go here to order your copies of "Team Obama" today.

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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