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Obama Called Kenya His ‘Home’ – News Report Shows Him Speaking At Rally Near Father’s Village–Video

Jerome R. Corsi

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Sept. 12, 2012

A Reuters television news clip that captures Barack Obama calling Kenya his “home” has added to the mystery surrounding the president’s place of birth.

The clip – archived by the British-based news and content provider ITN – shows Obama with then-Kenyan presidential candidate Raila Odinga at an Aug. 26, 2006, rally against AIDS.

“I’m so proud to come back home and see all you people are here,” Obama says.

WND reported last month Obama’s step-grandmother in Kenya, Sarah Obama, has a 2005 poster calendar on the wall of her home that proclaims “The Kenyan Wonder-Boy in the U.S.: Senator Barack Obama.”

The staged public event was held at the Kenya Medical Research Institute in Kisumu, Kenya, about 37 miles from Sarah Obama’s home and his father’s gravesite in the village of Kogelo.

The event was also filmed and recorded in a documentary, “Senator Obama Goes to Africa,” which shows the enthusiastic reception Obama received on his 2006 tour of Africa, his third visit to Kenya.

The pro-Obama documentary, designed to support his political career, appears to begin coverage of the event after Obama said, “I’m so proud to come back home.”

At the event, Obama and his wife Michelle took an AIDs test to demonstrate to the local people that the test was safe.

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