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Sept. 12, 2012

The PDF Version can be found at:  /resources/uploads/files/obama-the-red-menace.pdf


Mr. Obama's records are a matter of national security, as well as world concern, because it is now crystal clear that the man who calls himself ―Obama‖ is a "red" Communist waging a Marxist coup-d‘état to overthrow the Constitutional Republic of the United States– a coup which has been in the making for more than five decades.
Part I: Communism: The War on Freedom and Capitalism
In 1959, the Premier of the Soviet Union, Communist Nikita Khrushchev, said to America: "We will bury you" and shockingly, his prediction of fifty-three years ago is now a clear and present danger to the United States! How did this happen and how could this happen when Americans were so aware of the threat of Communism in the late 1940s and 1950s, as the following six film clips forcefully show:
The Red Menace (1949): clip:,
The Red Menace (1949): film:,
He May Be A Communist!:,
Communism (1952):,
Communism vs. Capitalism:
The West vs. Collectivism:
The following documentary condenses the history of Communism into two hours:
The Bloody History of Communism:
Fourteen years after Khrushchev issued his warning, in January 1963, the following list of  45 Communist goals was read into the U.S. Congressional Record by Congressman Albert S. Herlong Jr., a Democrat, from Florida. This list of goals was extracted from W. Cleon Skousen‘s revelatory book  The Naked Communist.
The Communist Goals of 1963:
Communism‘s 45 goals to destroy the United States:
How Democrats Are Implementing The Communists‘ Plan To Destroy America:
The Communists and the Democrats are working together to do the following and have either achieved their goals or are still working toward them. After each comment, the coinciding numbered item on the Communists‘ list appears.‖
Barack Obama has winked at the Russians and told them he will continue to disarm America when he is re-elected. 3
He has increased trade with Communist China. 4
Obama and the Democrats have long since come to represent the goals of Communism. 5
Democrats use the courts to weaken basic American institutions. 6
Get control of schools to teach socialism through control of teachers unions. 17
Infiltrate the press. 20
Control TV and movies. 21
Degrade American culture. 22
Eliminate and/or mock any efforts to control obscenity laws. 24
Present homosexuality as healthy and normal. 26
Attack and destroy organized religion. 27
Discredit the Constitution, saying it is a hindrance and old-fashioned. 29
Discredit our Founding Fathers as selfish aristocrats. 30
Belittle and attack American history 31
Control what mental health is and is not. 32
Infiltrate and control unions. 36
Infiltrate and gain control of big business. 37
Discredit the family as an institution by encouraging adultery and two moms/two dads ―families.40
Create the impression that street violence and insurrection are legitimate American traditions. 42
Internationalize the Panama Canal. 44
Given the fact that many of these goals lost their meaning with the fall of the Soviet Union, the Democrats have helped the Communists achieve almost half of their goals for destroying us.
Who Are The 81 Socialists In Congress?
"Marxism in America" by Lt. Gen. (Ret.) W.G. Boykin – OAK
It is hard to fathom that the number of people murdered  by Marxist Communists in the twentieth century may be as high as 250 million! Their victims were mostly Christians, capitalists, opponents of Communism and whoever else the Marxists deemed to be their enemies. To Marxists, human lives are expendable, especially unborn babies and the elderly. In the United States approximately 50 million unborn babies were murdered by ―legal‖ abortion, bringing the total closer to 300 million souls who lost their lives due to Communist ideology.


Alarmingly, it now appears that Caucasians are in their crosshairs, as white South African farmers are being slaughtered in a blatant genocide, and the world is doing nothing to condemn or stop it. Will this ―white genocide‖ be coming to America in the spirit of "social justice?"

See Genocide looms for white farmers: Similarly, a black genocide, mostly targeting black Christians, is rampant throughout Africa and has been allowed to continue for too many years with too little outcry!
And while all this bloodshed is happening in South Africa, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton appears to have not addressed this issue on her trip to South Africa last month (August 2012).
Gun Control, Disarmament, and the Threat of Genocide by Dr. Jason J. Campbell, [ Institute for Genocide Awareness and Applied Research]
Accused genocidal warlord named to Human Rights Council (of the U.N.): U.N. Elevation called 'callous, dangerous, and tragic'
An African warlord once sought as an international criminal on genocide allegations will soon be contributing his judgments on human rights issues worldwide as a member of the United Nations Human Rights Council, a development that is sparking outrage in Congress.


Sudan, led by Omar al-Bashir, has been awarded a seat on the international tribunal starting in 2013, and U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Fla., said it‘s just gone too far.‖

Allowing this genocidal dictatorship, which has killed thousands of its citizens, to serve on such a body is beyond hypocrisy, it is callous, dangerous, and tragic,‖ she said in a statement issued as the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.‖
Americans today rightfully wonder and justifiably fear what is being planned for them by the Marxist Obama regime! Their anxiety is not the stuff of conspiracy-theory paranoia, nor is it expressed by those accustomed to exaggeration and hyperbole.
Rather, pundits and bloggers, radio hosts, and ordinary citizens are asking why several departments in our government – Homeland Security, The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the Social Security Administration, and the U.S. Forest Service – have recently ordered upwards of 1.4 billion hollow-point bullets and other highly-suspect materiel. Who are the bullets intended for? The American people?
Bullets, False Flags and Biological Warfare: What Is the US Government Planning?
On The Alex Jones Show, on August 29th 2012, Steve Quayle and Doug Hagmann discuss ―It‘s going hot,‖ meaning that a false flag event will be staged by Obama. [55:50 min.]:
Has the U.S. government, under Barack Obama, become a dictatorship? It appears that the unthinkable has happened here!
Dictatorship USA from A to Z:
Commie‖ Obama from A to Z: It's all  here in this encyclopedic site.
Obama Communist, Marxist, Socialist, Progressive, Commie
Glenn Beck - Part 1 - Barack Obama's Civilian National Security Force
Glenn Beck - Part 2 - Barack Obama's Civilian National Security Force:
Glenn Beck - Part 3 - Barack Obama‘s Civilian National Security Force:
Glenn Beck - Part 4 - Barack Obama‘s Civilian National Security Force:
Glenn Beck - Part 5 - Barack Obama‘s Civilian National Security Force:
The United States, the Western world, and civilization itself are clearly and undeniably in grave danger as the Constitutional rights, property, freedom, futures, and lives of all Americans are being assaulted and facing threats on all fronts every day and the U.S. media is and has been complicit in this cover up, which Sheriff Joe Arpaio has called ―ten times worse than Watergate.
In the following speech, President Kennedy defined what transparency really is and why it is important and necessary in a ―free and open society. President John F. Kennedy‘s Media and Secret Society Speech (April 27th, 1961)

President John F. Kennedy‘s Media and Secret Society Speech – Complete Transcript:
The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know.
President Kennedy and Chairman Khrushchev
Silence in the face of this collusion and conspiracy against the American people, the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, is only helping to hammer the nails into our collective coffins and time is running out. More and more Americans are seriously wondering if there will even be elections in November 2012 and if Mr. Obama will stage a false flag event like the  Reichstag Fire that was staged by Hitler in Germany, call for Martial law, and suspend the elections so he can retain power, thus completing the promise he made to ―fundamental transform‖ our country into a Communist nightmare!
It is imperative that all Americans immediately demand in unison:
"Mr. Obama: Unseal your records!" because it is now apparent that Mr. Obama's records are a matter of national security!
Elections have consequences, which is why there are many Americans who today believe that America elected the wrong man to be President in 1964! Barry Goldwater understood the threat that Communism was to America as the following clip shows:
Barry Goldwater - Khrushchev, We Will Bury You 1964 Election Ad
The anti-Communist film, ―The Red Menace,‖ debuted in 1949. Only seventeen years later, the culture had changed so much that the subject of Russian troops landing on the Massachusetts coast had become comedy!
The Russians Are Coming, The Russians are Coming (1966) - clip from film:
But now this is no longer comedy! Senator Cornyn recently asked why there were undetected – or at least unreported -- Russian attack submarines in the Gulf of Mexico in June and July, 2012.
Cornyn presses Navy for more info on Russian subs in US coastal waters (August 17th, 2012) by Carlo Munoz.


A top Senate Republican wants to know how a Russian attack submarine was able to conduct a patrol mission miles off the U.S. Coastline without the knowledge of the American military or intelligence officials. In a letter to Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan Greenert on Friday, Sen. John Cornyn (Texas) demanded `a detailed explanation of the facts‘ surrounding the incident in which an Akula-class nuclear attack submarine was able to sail into the Gulf of Mexico undetected.

The submarine patrol ... seems to represent a more aggressive and destabilizing Russian military stance that could pose risks to our national security," Cornyn said in the letter.
Then, a Navy chief denied that it happened!
Navy chief denies Russian sub entered Gulf of Mexico‖: August 31, 2012:
On September 4th, 2012, Chet Nagle wrote the following article on the same incident: The Russians are Coming, the Russians are Coming:
In 1966, a Soviet captain ran his submarine aground on a Massachusetts beach in the comedy film, The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming. In 2012 a Russian captain took his submarine into the Gulf of Mexico and did not run it aground. Instead, he proved the United States could neither detect nor deter him, and then sailed home. Senator John Cornyn, (R-Texas) did not think it was a comedy.


According to press reports, the Russian navy sent a stealthy Akula nuclear submarine into the Gulf of Mexico on a month-long patrol in June and July. With his eye on 624 miles of Texas Gulf coastline, Senator Cornyn wrote to the Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Jonathan Greenert, and demanded a detailed report on the incursion.‖

Sadly, Americans and the rest of the free world were duped into thinking that Communism was dead and gone with the historic and iconic tearing down of the Berlin Wall in November 1989.
Communism did not die, but like a deadly virus, gained strength as the ―progressive‖ movement mutated and went deeper underground when the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) collapsed in 1991.
Listen carefully to the words spoken by President Ronald Reagan at Brandenburg  Gate [1987] - "tear down this wall":
The Collapse of Communism: The Untold Story:
Communism was never conclusively destroyed, never condemned, and didn't disappear."
The plan to disarm the American people was apparently initiated in 1961 and is described in the following article by Thornton Parsons in July 2012: ―Obama‘s Red Freudian slip is showing‖ – freudian-slip-is-showing/.
This plan was perfectly designed to confiscate the arms of law-abiding citizens in America under the ruse of preventing war. It acknowledges that the goal can be successful by using the United Nations and a treaty that would, in time, accomplish their plan. Now at the final threshold, just a few decades later, it appears that the blue-helmeted United Nations forces will now be able to dictate


how Congress and Americans can utilize their Constitutional rights. An excerpt from the Department of State in 1961 states: ―. . . a world where adjustment to change takes place in accordance with the principles of the United Nations; a world where there shall be a permanent state of general and complete disarmament under effective international control and where the resources of nations shall be devoted to man‘s material, cultural, and spiritual advance . . . .‖

End of the Soviet Union: July 1991. START Treaty Ushered in New Nuclear Era:
George Bush Sr. New World Order Live Speech [Sept 11 1991]
Monumental day: START treaty signed
Win-Win for both the U.S. and Russia? Senator DeMint does not agree!
The New START Treaty [2010] Weakens U.S. National Security. The treaty makes America and her allies vulnerable to rogue nations:
The concessions President Obama made to Russia to get the New START signed are precisely why the Senate should not ratify it.
New START is another Obama giveaway at the expense of U.S. citizens. The treaty mandates strategic nuclear weapons parity with the progeny of an old Cold War foe, yet allows the Russians to maintain a 10-to-1 tactical nuclear-weapons advantage. Whether in warhead and launcher limits, verification, or missile defense, America loses. The treaty dampens the U.S. ability to defend against missile attacks and makes America and her allies vulnerable to rogue nations while receiving


nothing for our concessions.‖

According to Trevor Loudon, a New Zealand native and prolific blogger, when our military is finally dismantled, Russia will destroy the U.S. This is what they have been working toward for decades: It is their endgame!
Then, on August 24th, the State Dept. went even further:
Recent Report: State Dept. Considers Eliminating US Nuclear Arsenal (August 24th, 2012):
Although President Obama's current defense cuts are so drastic that even Rep. Nancy Pelosi  is scared they might cost Democrats more seats in the House, State Dept. advisers are reportedly encouraging further cuts and even the all-out elimination of the U.S. nuclear arsenal.
Obama‘s Plan for U.S. Arsenal Unsealed in Charlotte:
The Democratic Party‘s formal 2012 platform, unveiled at its convention in Charlotte, N.C., last night, calls for reductions in the U.S. nuclear stockpile but does not reveal the specific number of nukes to be destroyed.
However, a recently released book suggests the specific blueprint for a second Obama term includes plans to reduce the U.S. nuclear arsenal to no more than 292 deployed nuclear weapons.
Oleg Penkovsky -  The Penkovsky Papers. Soviet Lt. Colonel Penkovsky spied and gave his life for the West, [1961-1963], and helped to defuse the Cuban Missile Crisis. Penkovsky is said to have saved an estimated 200 million people from nuclear holocaust.
Cold War Spies, CIA Agent Oleg Penkovsky:
Colonel Oleg Penkovsky:
Yuri Bezmenov, a former KGB, explains how subversion of the U.S. was carried out:
Yuri Bezmenov: Psychological Warfare, Subversion, and Control of Western Society:
Yuri Bezmenov:  Obama‘s End Game Revealed by KGB defector:!
Curtis Bowers:  Agenda: Grinding America Down - Extended trailer
A documentary by former Idaho State Legislator Curtis Bowers:, with Rep. Steve King, Trevor Louden, others.
Charlotte Iserbyt: ―The North American ―Soviet Union:
Charlotte Iserbyt: The Miseducation of America, Part 1: Must listen!:
Charlotte Iserbyt – Deliberate Dumbing Down of the World:,,
Paul Kengor, Ph.D.: Dupes: How America's Adversaries Have Manipulated Progresssive's for a Century
Paul Kengor interviewed by Mark Levin and connects Jarrett, Axelrod, and Obama to Communist mentors:
Part II. The Making of the Man Who Calls Himself Obama
Obama said "The only people who don't want to disclose the truth are people with something to hide." - yet all of the records of the man who calls himself Obama are sealed and the American people still do not know who this man is. What is he hiding? Why?
(authentic) copy of Obama‘s birth certificate: not released in spite of many lawsuits.


Certificate of Live Birth: released but proven counterfeit

Soetoro adoption records

Punahou School records (in Hawaii)

The Obama-Dunham marriage license

The Soetoro-Dunham marriage license

The Indonesian Soetoro adoption records

Certificate of Citizenship

Selective Service Registration, which has reported to be  falsified.

Passport from Pakistan

Passport from Indonesia

College records from Occidental College in CA, Columbia University in NY, and Harvard Law School in MA

Harvard Law Review articles: None.

Baptism certificate: None.

Medical records

Illinois State Senate records

Illinois State Senate schedule

Law practice client list

University of Chicago Records

University of Chicago scholarly articles

Baptism certificate

University of Chicago scholarly articles

Dr. Jerome Corsi:   Wh ere‘s  Th e  Bi rt h  Certi fic ate: The Case that Barack Obama is Not Eligible to Be President,,

Sheriff  Joe‘s Lead Investigator: No Proof Obama Was In Hawaii As A Baby


Sheriff Arpaio: Obama's Records Are Missing & Why He is Causing a Media Blackout

Who is the REAL Barack Obama? Glenn Beck, May, 2012:
Bill Whittle: It's a Miracle! :
Democrat Santita Jackson On Obama's Records: Transparency Is A Legitimate Request | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records:
Paul Kengor:
Dreams from My Real Father: Director Joel Gilbert at National Press Club, Washington DC:
Joel Gilbert: Excerpts from film, Dreams from My Real Father:,
Larry Grathwohl:
Larry Grathwohl was the FBI agent who infiltrated the Bill Ayers‘ Weather Underground and shocked us with the revelation that the Weather Underground had plans to kill 25 million die-hard Capitalists who could not be re-educated. Now, we have FEMA camps that are reported to have crematoriums, guillotines, and thousands of giant black coffin boxes. Who are these for? The American people? And who will be the executioners? Obama‘s Civilian National Security Force or mercenaries?


Jesse Ventura Police State FEMA Camps Full Episode

Konstantin Preobrazhensky [Discusses the connection between Russia and Muslims].
Trevor Loudon (Part 4 of 4) The Soros Files – [Soros likely works for Russia].
Increasing numbers of people consider Obama‘s entire birth story [as well as his entire biography]  to be a fantastic piece of fiction and have speculated that his father was more likely to be Frank Marshall Davis, Malcolm X, or even his alleged grandfather, Stanley Armour Dunham, [Obama says here that his father served in World War II and here that his father‘s coffin is draped with the American flag]. His real mother may have been either an exotic girlfriend of Stanley Armour or possibly a white girlfriend of Malcolm X.  Washington insider Dr. Jack Wheeler seems to accept Obama‘s claimed lineage, but with a twist:
He has no real identity,‖ Wheeler writes. ―He is half-white, which he rejects. The rest of him is mostly Arab, which he hides but is disclosed by his non-African Arabic surname and his Arabic first and middle names as a way to triply proclaim his Arabic parentage to people in Kenya. Only a small part of him is African Black from his Luo grandmother, which he pretends he is exclusively.‖
What he isn't, not a genetic drop of,‖ Wheeler continues, ―is ‗African-American,‘ the descendant of enslaved Africans brought to America chained in slave ships. He hasn't a single ancestor who was a slave. Instead, his Arab ancestors were slave owners. Slave-trading was the main Arab business in East Africa for centuries until the British ended it.‖
That Barack Obama, Sr. is the real father, is the premise of the new film:  2016: Obama’s America:
Drew Zahn writes, in his September 2012 article, Does Obama Really Hate America:
If D‘Souza is right that Obama has concealed a raging anti-colonialist worldview in a false cloak of Ivy-league liberalism, then many of the Internet‘s wildest rumors could prove legitimate: Obama actually would want to see the U.S. economy crumble; his budget cuts and nuclear reduction drive really would be at attempt to undermine the U.S. as a world superpower; his push for global warming initiatives really could be just a way of forcing developed countries to pay undeveloped nations billions in reparations; and … well, really … he would hate America.
Joel Gilbert: Dreams from My Real Father,
Joel Gilbert's brilliantly documented and researched new film,  Dreams From My Real Father posits that "Obama" is the biological and ideological offspring of Frank Marshall Davis, who was a known Communist with confirmed connections to the Communist Party (CPUSA) and the (then) U.S.S.R., whose dreams were to overthrow and destroy America. If Frank Marshall Davis is the father, then Obama is undeniably a Communist ―mole.‖


Frank Marshal Davis files:

Frank Marshal Davis:  Ob ama ‘s  Commu n i st  Men to r  by Alan Caruba.
Paul Kengor, Ph.D.: The Communist: The Untold Story of Barack Obama's Mentor
Paul Kengor, Ph.D.: Frank Marshall Davis and the Subversion of the Democratic Party, September 4th, 2012.
A curious specter will be hovering over the Democratic convention this week. It is the ghost of Frank Marshall Davis, Communist  Party USA member 47544 and mentor to a young Barack Obama.‖
Readers of this site are well aware of Davis, from my writings and those of others who have posted articles here. Davis joined the Communist Party during World War II and was unflinchingly pro- Soviet and pro-Red China. He was the founding editor-in-chief of the Chicago Star (1946-48) -- the CPUSA publication for Chicago -- before moving on to the Honolulu Record (1949-57), the CPUSA publication there. He excoriated the Western leaders who stood in the way of Stalin, meaning Winston Churchill and Harry Truman, whom he portrayed as colonialists, imperialists, fascists, and racists.‖
Frank Marshall Davis's politics were so radical, and so pro-Soviet, that the Democrats who ran the Senate in 1956 summoned him to Washington to testify on his pro-Soviet activities. Even more remarkable, the FBI placed him on the federal government's Security  Index, meaning that if a war broke out between the United States and the Soviet Union, Obama's mentor could have been placed under immediate arrest.‖
Obama Had Marxist Vision For US At Occidental College, by Leon Puissegur.
Obama: His Marxist / Communist Past Exposed & How It Continues, by Leon Puissegur:



Barack Obama's Communist connections, by Wes Vernon:
Trevor Loudon: Obama‘s Other Communist Mentor, Alice Palmer:!
Trevor Loudon:  Barack Obama and the Enemies Within
It is extremely alarming to learn that in December, 1960,  Malcolm X said that he is a Marxist/Leninist and ―the revolution‖ is starting in Harlem and Africans will be free with the assistance of the Russian army. Did Malcolm X conspire with Nikita Krushchev? Could Malcolm X really be Obama‘s father?
Barack Obama: The Invisible Man:
Who’s Your Daddy? Who’s Your Mama?:
In 1992, during a business trip to Moscow, the Russians told American businessman Tom Fife about a future U.S. president who would be half-black and a Communist, and born of an African father and an American mother.


Link to Tom Fife's 11.20.2008 essay:


Jeff  Rense‘s  Interview of Tom Fife March 10th  2009:

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
In this must-listen interview by Rick Wiles of Attorney Stephen Pidgeon, the author of The Obama Error, maintains that a man named ―Obama,‖ a law student who was born in 1961, was a documented student at the Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow, which, according to Attorney Pidgeon, was  "a boarding school for recruits being trained in the techniques of communist overthrow." Soviet spy for the U.S., Lt. Colonel Oleg Penkovsky, in his notes that became The Penkovsky Papers, described Patrice Lumumba University this way:
The entire faculty of that university is made up of K.G.B. employees, even the people in charge of the dormitories. …The basic task of the Friendship University is to prepare a fifth column for the African countries. Many of the students have already been recruited, and are now working for the Soviet intelligence service. They are studying Marxism and Leninism, being prepared politically to become the future leaders of African countries. As a first step, after their return from Moscow, they are directed to organize strikes, demonstrations, overthrow governments, etc. In the university they are well fed, clothed, and given money. They live better than the average Soviet student; almost everything is paid for.‖ ---The Penkovsky Papers: The Russian who spied for the West, Collins Publishers, 1965, p. 190.]
Attorney Pidgeon predicts that Obama will double cross the "New World Order," throw them under the bus, and will establish an Islamic caliphate with himself at its head. This could very well be, but could the conspiracy be more complicated than even Attorney Pidgeon believes? Could Russia be pulling Obama‘s strings and could it be Russia‘s ultimate aim to dominate the world?  In this excerpt from Tom Fife‘s conversation in 1992 with the Soviet Communist party member, that appears to be the plan:
Since I had dabbled in languages, I knew a smattering of Arabic. I made a comment: ―If I remember correctly, ‗Barack‘ comes from the Arabic word for ‗Blessing.‘ That seems to be an odd name for an American.‖ She replied quickly, ―Yes. It is African‘ , she insisted, ―and he will be a blessing for world Communism. We will regain our strength and become the number one power in the world.
Mahmoud Abbas and Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran studied at the Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow and  a former KGB admitted that Al Zawahiri was trained by the KGB in 1998.
Mahmoud Abbas: Graduate of Patrice Lumumba School in Moscow:
One has to wonder why the first call that Obama made immediately after his inauguration was to Mahmoud Abbas, Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization since 2004, and President of the Palestinian National Authority since


2005, which he ran for on a terrorist Fatah ticket.

Mahmoud Abbas‘s  thesis, in which he denies that six million Jews were murdered by the Nazis in the Holocaust, was completed in 1982 when Abbas was a student at Patrice Lumumba University, and later morphed into the book The Other Side: the Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism (1984).
Could Obama and Abbas have been classmates at Moscow‘s Patrice Lumumba University in 1982?  Obama‘s whereabouts in 1982 are not known and he was not at Columbia University. Without Obama‘s records, this possibility cannot be ruled out.
The Soviet Roots of Terrorism:
Russia and Islam are not Separate: Why Russia backs Al-Qaeda:


Is Al Qaeda a Kremlin Proxy?:

Russia's 9/11 Connection:'s_9/11_Connection


J.R. Nyquist On World War 3 [7 parts]:

Rohini DeSilva:   9/11, Stealth Jihad and Obama
Konstantin Preobrazhensky [Discusses the connection between Russia and Muslims]:
Communists and Muslims: The Hidden Hand of the KGB:
Trevor Loudon (Part 4 of 4) The Soros Files - Soros likely works for Russia.
U.S. senators (Senator Obama and Senator Lugar) detained at Ural airport say Russia has apologized:
What Can Senator Richard Lugar Tell Us About That Russian Incident In 2005 With Obama?
There has always been a bit of mystery surrounding Sen. Richard Lugar's trip to Russia in 2005 with the newly-elected Senator from Illinois, Barack Obama, as part of the Cooperative Threat Reduction program which oversaw the elimination of some nuclear weapons. In particular, was the incident where Lugar and Obama were detained by Russian authorities for several hours while their passports were inspected. Actually, it was only Obama's passport that the Russians were interested in inspecting, but Lugar has always provided cover for Obama concerning the incident. The American Thinker's Mondo Frazier has an interesting perspective on  what it was the Russians were interested in learning more about Obama. Frazier cites Italian sources as claiming the Russians were interested in learning about Obama's role as a spy for the British government, one of the three countries of which he has held citizenship.
Russian Professor Predicts USA Disintegrates [2008]:
In Moscow, Igor Panarin's Forecasts Are All the Rage; America 'Disintegrates' in 2010:
MOSCOW -- For a decade, Russian academic Igor Panarin has been predicting the U.S. will fall apart in 2010. For most of that time, he admits, few took his argument -- that an economic and moral collapse will trigger a civil war and the eventual breakup of the U.S. -- very seriously. Now he's found an eager audience: Russian state media.
Mr. Panarin posits, in brief, that mass immigration, economic decline, and moral degradation will trigger a civil war next fall and the collapse of the dollar. Around the end of June 2010, or early July, says, the U.S. will break into six pieces -- with Alaska reverting to Russian control.
Part III. The Man Who Calls Himself President Obama
(Doug Mills/The New York Times)


Just four months after Obama‘s inauguration, in May 2009, Joan Swirsky said, in her prescient article, ―The President Who Hates His Country:

In just the first 100-days of his tenure, Obama‘s words and actions have demonstrated that he is no friend of the country he leads. This is only a smattering of what happened on his recent three- continent trip abroad and to Mexico:
In France, Obama told his audience that America ―has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive‖ toward Europe.
In Prague, Obama – in true utopian-kindergarten fashion – pledged ―with conviction‖ that America will ―seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons.‖ In other words, destroy big bad America‘s ability to defend itself!
In London, Obama made clear that the world‘s financial wealth was no longer made by those inferior leaders Roosevelt and Churchill, effectively ceding America‘s leading role in creating and sharing wealth to nations that have never measured up to our country‘s bountiful generosity or spirit of free-market entrepreneurship.
In Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, Obama sat passively while the Marxist Chavez handed him an American-bashing book and delivered another revile-America speech, while never once rising to defend our country.
In Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, Obama again sat passively while the Marxist Ortega blamed the United States for a century of what he called terroristic U.S. aggression in Central America, again emitting not a whisper of defense on our country‘s behalf.
In Turkey, Obama said – incredibly and inaccurately – that America was not a Christian nation.
And in his recent trip to Mexico, Obama said that the escalating border violence was essentially America‘s fault.
In his trip to Russia as President of the United States in July 2009, Obama was photographed placing his hand over his hand over his heart when the Russian anthem was being played, but as we can see, he didn‘t place his hand over his heart during the playing of the U.S. national anthem.
Obama, Medvedev, and the ―hot mic:  American Crossroads: Operation Hot Mic:
Obama‘s ‗flexibility‘ to lie after election - by Charles Hurt:
Turns out he‘s not Kenyan after all. He‘s  KGB. All this time, people were worried that President  Obama was born in Africa and that his radical agenda had been crafted by the Rev.  Jeremiah Wright and Saul Alinsky on the streets of Chicago‘s South Side.‖
Now we know his real radical hidden agenda is in service of the Kremlin.
Mr. Obama reached the darkest low of his presidency this week in  South Korea when he was caught on an unseen mic plotting with the leader of one of our oldest adversaries to thwart the will of American voters and advance the interests of enemies who want to see the world‘s last remaining beacon of freedom finally destroyed.
On these issues — but particularly missile defense — this can be solved, he tells  Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, like in a scene from a Cold War spy movie.
But, Mr. Obama explains to his handler, he needs more time, and he needs to get into a position where he is no longer answerable to American voters.‖
This is my last election,‖ he says. ―After my election, I have more flexibility.
Speaking in robotic Russian spy-speak, Mr. Medvedev promises to convey the message to incoming President Vladimir Putin: ―I understand. I transmit this information to  Vladimir.
Not since the tapes of Richard Nixon has a U.S. president been caught uttering such sinister words in an unguarded moment. And, one could easily argue, Mr. Obama‘s dishonest scheming puts  Nixon to shame because it is American voters — not his political enemies — he is selling down the river.‖
It was particularly chilling to hear Obama‘s words of betrayal uttered in such a familiar voice that has served to raise the hopes and inspire the dreams of so many of us. It is now official: We fell for a complete and total lie.‖
His cold, calculating message reveals a deep dishonesty many of us still did not dream Mr. Obama was capable of. It is a duplicity in allegiance unthinkable for an elected American president. Literally, he overrides the interests of American voters who will go to the polls with those of Moscow and Tehran, with whom he will deal after his re-election.
Understandably, our longest-standing and most steadfast friends in Poland and Israel shuddered with every deceitful word.
The question now is, Mr. President, what other secret deals have you made with our foreign enemies? What other tricks do you have up your sleeve that you plan to jump on us after you have been re-elected and we no longer have something you want?
Part IV. What Will Happen If Obama Is Reelected?
Pulitzer Prize Journalist , Chris Hedges, Warns of Physical Roundups Under Obama:
Election 2012: America Will Never Be the Same by Peter Ferrara,
The last four years have been a coming out party for the Democrats. For over a hundred years now, Progressivism, a polite, Americanized term for Marxism, has been infiltrating and taking over the Democrat party, the national media, academia, the courts. But until now they have effectively hidden what they are all about. Under Obama, however, the heart and soul of the party has been let out of the closet and revealed (only for those paying attention, however, not the millions who so stubbornly still are not). And that heart and soul is Che.‖
Dishonorable Disclosures: How Leaks and Politics Threaten National Security:
Obama‘s Red Freudian slip is showing‖ by Thornton Parsons, July 27th, 2012:
In a letter to Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton, 51 senators have expressed serious concerns with the draft treaty that has circulated at the United Nations, saying that it signals an expansion of gun control that would be unacceptable. The United States Constitution gives the president the power to sign treaties, but only with the advise and consent of Congress. If Clinton signs the treaty today, she should be removed from office by Congress.‖
Who's Better Off? Our nation's enemies are grateful to the Obama administration.
Obama is clearly in league with any group, leader, or country that is the enemy of the U.S., Israel, and the West. In this video, blogger Trevor Louden explains why!
The Vetting: Trevor Loudon Explains Why Obama is Leaning Toward All The Tyrannical Powers of the World (Video), August, 19, 2012!
China & Russia are Coming! Prepare - Glenn Beck:
Red Dawn Trailer (1984):
Russian Military: U.S. Invasion Unfolding? Crossing Canadian Border With Artillery and Armor – August 18th, 2012: Audio of radio program at link. crossing-canadian-border-with-heavy-artillery-and-armor/
Could there be a link between FEMA camps and the many alarming reports of foreign [English-speaking Russian troops] in the U.S.?
Obama has called for a Civilian National Security Force, ―just as strong and just as powerful as the U.S. Military.‖ Could the Russian troops people have reported seeing around the U.S. be the new mercenary security force? Foreign troops would be more likely to carry out the elimination of millions of Capitalists [promised by Bill Ayers] than the U.S. military.
Glenn Beck - Part 1 - Barack Obama's Civilian National Security Force
Though the multi-agenda chemtrail/geoengineering program has been going on for decades, is it a coincidence that the Start Treaty of December 2010 was signed at roughly the same time that the major ―chemtrail‖ assaults began around the U.S.?  Could it be, as the late  Rosalie Bertell believed (5:13), that the chemtrail program may be part of a plan to, at some point, disperse biological and chemical weapons. ―Chemtrails‖ may be, therefore, a ―delivery system‖ for the airborne weapons that will replace the nuclear option. This could very well be possible in light of the signing of the Start Treaty between the United States and Russia, the aim of which was to limit the use of nuclear weapons.
Chemtrails: Scientist Rosalie Bertell, PhD:
The geoengineering program also aims to control human beings by controlling our weather and food production.
Why in the World are They Spraying? (Full Length Documentary HD, 2012)
What in the World are They Spraying? (Full Length, 2010)
Aerosol Crimes (a.k.a. Chemtrails) 2005 Documentary
Part V. Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave?
United We Stand,  Divided We Fall
On September 11th 2001 Americans were united as one people in one country. The 9/12 Project - Glenn Beck
Since 2008, Barack Obama has practiced the Marxist ―divide and conquer‖ technique to divide the American people by any means necessary in order to achieve the ―Communist revolution,‖ He has divided them by age, class, gender, religion, sexuality, etc., in order destabilize American society.
People who are fighting with each other don‘t talk to each other and cannot unite as one people to defend themselves from the encroaching shackles of the all-powerful government that Barack Obama and the Communists have in store for us.


For the past four years the American people have experienced more disasters, domestic attacks, and social fragmentation than any other four year period in recent history. These events were likely all scripted and orchestrated events to destabilize the U.S., ―by any means necessary,‖ in order to promote the Communist agenda. ―Problem, Reaction, Solution‖ is their mantra and reality is their stage! In order to survive and succeed as a nation we must again become one people and one, undivided, America in spite of the forces that are working to tear the this country apart.

Part VI: The Inescapable Conclusion
Though all of Barack Obama‘s records are still sealed, Obama‘s real identity, as Michelle Obama admitted on September 6th in her speech at the DNC Convention, has, over the past four years, been revealed to the American people and the world community.  I have seen first hand that being  President doesn‘t change who you are. No, it  reveals who you are.!
Postscript: Putin: We have won!  Putin's speech exposes the NWO, Feb. 7th, 2007
Teary-eyed Putin addresses 110,000 crowd near Kremlin, March 2012:
Vladimir Putin's presidential inauguration ceremony in Kremlin , May 7th, 2012:
Red Square 2012 military parade, May 2012