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'I couldn't put it down... sent chills down my spine.'

From the Desk of: Steve Elliott

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Aug. 24, 2012

Yesterday I finally got my hands on the final printed version of "Team Obama."

Because we have been so busy shipping copies out to our team members from our headquarters, it took a few extra days to receive copies in my office.

I was blown away.

Holding Team Obama in my hands and reading through the pages made me even more convinced that this is the most compelling and timely resource Grassfire has ever produced.

And our team members agree...

+ + "I Couldn't Put It Down".... "Sent Chills Down My Spine"

One of our team members told us reading Team Obama "sent chills down my spine. I thought I knew about Obama's past, but when I read this, I was shocked and greatly disturbed."

Another team member added:

"By far the best resource I have received from Grassfire. The writing is compelling. The facts exposed are shocking. And everything is documented."

Listen to this from another member who just received Team Obama....

"When I got the book, I put it on my nightstand expecting to read a chapter or two each night. I just couldn't put it down. I finished it in one night!" -- JB, New Jersey

+ + Limited Supplies Due To Heavy Demand

As I write, my staff is working as fast as possible to fulfill every Team Obama order from Grassfire members. At this rate, we expect to run out of our initial print supply by the end of the month.

Once we sell out, there will be delays in shipping as we wait for the printer to catch up with the demand. But the good news is, right now Team Obama is still in stock and we can ship your two copies out usually within two working days.

Go here right now to order your two copies of Team Obama for immediate shipping -- in appreciation of your contribution of ANY AMOUNT to Grassfire:

Even if you can contribute just $5 to help Grassfire continue to get the word out, we'll send you two copies of Team Obama.

+ + The "Open Book" On Obama's Past

The fact is, Barack Obama has successfully hidden his past from the American public -- thanks to his friends in the liberal media. 

In fact, I consider myself a fairly well informed conservative and I  thought I knew the real story about Barack's past -- until our Grassfire team began digging below the surface.

What we discovered about Obama's past -- and specifically the men and women who shaped and formed him -- will shock even the most ardent conservatives who think they already know who Barack Hussein Obama is.

Obama's true past has been white-washed by the media. His close alliances with Marxists, socialists and anti-government radicals have been hidden behind the Obama firewall.

Even the fact that Obama himself was a card-carrying member of a socialist party has been kept silent by the media and hidden even from conservatives. 

I knew we had to tell the real story of Obama's past....

That's why we created "TEAM OBAMA." 

Get the real story on Obama's past while Team Obama is still in stock and can ship to you usually within two working days. Go here:

Perhaps you've heard about Ann Dunham, Frank Marshall Davis, Saul Alinksy, Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright and the other key men and women who shaped how Obama thinks. But there's so much more to Obama's past than the liberal media will tell -- and we've exposed it all here in a convenient, footnoted resource you can read and then pass on to a friend.

Thanks in advance!

Steve Elliott

P.S. Once again, demand has been so strong that we expect to exhaust the inventory from our first print run by the end of the month. The good news is that if you order today, we can usually ship your two copies within two business days. Please go here to order your copies of Team Obama.


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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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