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Exposed: Obama's socialist network

Grassfire Nation Update

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Aug. 16, 2012

It is the story of the making of Obama ...

It is the story the Leftist media will never tell because they know the truth would infuriate the American people -- stirring them from their slumber to take back our nation with a passion never before seen ...

But Grassfire is telling the story and quite simply it is one of the most scathing indictments of Barack Hussein Obama ever written ...

Exposing his dangerous and vast network of leftists, radicals and communists who groomed Obama as a child and who continue to mentor, and inspire him today, Team Obama will leave you breathless.


"When I got the book, I put it on my nightstand expecting to read a chapter or two each night," writes JB from New Jersey. "I just couldn't put it down. I finished it in one night!" -- JB, New Jersey

This is the definitive and most compelling resource we've ever offered at Grassfire, and as word is spreading, Team Obama is flying off our shelves.

To order your copy of Team Obama, go here now.


+ + The Truth is There ... If You Dare

If Team Obama was available during Obama's 2008 Presidential run, he never would have survived the primaries...

Obama's life was white-washed by the media and carefully presented to the public.

From his earliest Marxist underpinnings to becoming a card-carrying socialist, it was all kept secret -- until now!

Obama wasn't just a community organizer. He was trained and mentored by many of the nation's most notorious anti-American figures -- men and women who continue to lead him to this day!

Go here to see the cover and order your copies of Team Obama.


Inside Team Obama, we look deeply at those who played a vital role in shaping Obama's worldview and motivating him to advance his radical agenda on America, from Saul Alinsky, Bill Ayers, and Alice Palmer, to Louis Farrakhan, Rashid Khalidi and others whose influence has been rarely, if ever noted in any detail!

This and more awaits in Team Obama.

Go here to order your copies.

+ + Team Obama IS SHIPPING NOW!

Leading to this election, Grassfire wants to get the truth about all the President's real men and women into the hands of those who need it most -- the American voting public.

If you can help Grassfire with a contribution of ANY AMOUNT (even a few dollars to cover printing and shipping), we'll send you TWO COPIES of Team Obama -- one to keep and one to share with a friend.

To ensure that you are included in this first shipment, please let me hear from you as soon as possible. Go here to request your two copies:

Heading into the November election this is truly the most thorough and most important resource Grassfire has ever created. And we want to put it in the hands of every Grassfire team member.

Please take a moment to order your two copies of Team Obama today, and thanks for the stand you are taking.

Grassfire Nation


P.S. Quantities are limited and we want to make certain members of our Grassfire team get their copies before we exhaust our first print run. Please go here to order your copies of Team Obama.

+ + + + +

Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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