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Tea Party author says evidence proves Obama married a Pakistani man


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Aug. 9, 2012

Barack Obama, the president of the United States of America, was previously married to a gay Pakistani man. That, at least, is according to a noted Tea Party activist and author who swears that he has a case that is simply impermeable.

Barely a year after US President Barack Obama buried the birther argument by providing the country with documentation verifying his American citizenship, an all-new rumor is being propagated after Jerome Corsi, an author and well-known member of the conservative Tea Party movement, says he has uncovered proof that links the commander-in-chief to a hush-hush marriage agreement with a Pakistani man.

“The evidence, I think, is very strong,” Corsi claims in a video he has uploaded on YouTube to the TeaPartyOrg channel on August 6.

That proof, according to Corsi, comes in part from multiple pictures he’s uncovered of President Obama wearing a ring on his finger that were taken before his 1992 wedding to the first lady. That, insists Corsi, clearly shows that he must have been, of course, married to a man.

In one example, Corsi relies on a photo taken years before his marriage to Michelle Obama taken in New York’s Central Park while Obama was “supposedly” attending Columbia University.

In another photo Corsi claims is from the early 1970s, Obama is allegedly wearing a wedding band.

“He’s not married, as far as we know, unless of course this is a love affair with his Pakistani male roommate,” Corsi says. He then refers to other photos of Mr. Obama and a former male colleague, commenting, “I’ve not seen a lot of roommate pictures where two guys are that chummy.”

“The question is not to condemn Obama here for being bisexual or gay, if that’s in fact what he is, but to wonder why he’s gone to the extent of hiding it, especially when he now is supporting same sex marriage what’s the duplicity? What’s the hypocrisy?”

“Evidently Obama has never explained it,” Corsi says. “He has never given any discussion of it. It’s like many of the factors of Obama’s life. There are hidden aspects to it, lies, mysteries disinformation. Increasingly, I try to point out to people that Obama’s life reads like a classic intelligence agency disinformation operation.”

Corsi says he plans on producing more evidence confirming President Obama’s homosexuality next month as Election Day nears.