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Obama's Descent From Mt. Olympus

Fred Thompson

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July 20, 2012

Obama's Descent From Mt. Olympus

Remember how Obama was presented to us about five years ago. He was above politics. He just wanted to bring us together. While politics was small and petty, he wanted to heal our troubled nation, clean the environment and lower the sea levels. (As I recall he would still allow the sun to set in the West.) When he took office he recognized that our economy faced monumental challenges, however, he refused to be diverted by what was of concern to every mere mortal in America. He had bigger, legacy-making fish to fry. Ergo, his health care remake and the regulating of the rest of the economy. The intelligencia swooned. Finally, a president they could admire.

Now, his eye is on what he considers to be his most significant endeavor of all- the thing of most importance to the world itself – his reelection. The economy, health care (neither of which he chooses to talk about) and everything else pales in comparison to this history-making quest. It is supremely ironic that, in order to achieve this, he has chosen to become the most divisive, small-ball president in our history and one whose base appeal is not to intelligence but to ignorance and envy.

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- Fred Thompson

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Fred's Tweets

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