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Obama caught lying...again!

From the Desk of: Steve Elliott

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July 5, 2012

Fox News is reporting that President Obama has once again been caught in a series of lies -- this time in his own autobiography. 

The Fox story discusses dozens of "material" discrepencies between Obama's "Dreams From My Father" and a new biography entitled "Barack Obama: The Story."

These "discrepencies" are often fundamental in nature, bringing into question central aspects of Obama's story as sold to the American people in the run up to the 2008 election. One biographer called Obama's autobiography "a mixture of verifiable fact, recollection, recreation, invention, and artful shaping."

Of course, none of this matters to the Left. A Washington University Professor told Fox, "It doesn't matter if [Obama] made up stuff.... What's important is how he wanted to construct his life."

+ + 60% Off Our "NOBAMA" 7-PAK Through July 9

Despite what the Left may say, THE TRUTH DOES MATTER!

That's why, for the rest of the holiday weekend, we are discounting our 7-PAK collection of our best Obama stickers to 60% off the individual sticker price. This discount is available just through the holiday weekend. Go here now to see each of the ReSticker designs and order your 7-PAK of our most outrageous Obama ReStickers:


+ + Get Your Two Copies Of "69 Obama Lies"

In light of these new revelations about Obama and his lies, this is a great time to get your two copies of our breakthrough resource, "69 OBAMA LIES." This 122-page expose tracks Obama's lies from his days as a community organizer through his presidency.

You can order TWO COPIES of 69 Obama Lies for a contribution to Grassfire of any amount. Go here.

Thank you so much for taking action.

Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation

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