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The question Obama can't escape


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June 22, 2012

The question Obama can't escape

New billboard raises eligibility issue for Pennsylvania drivers

The evidence has been documented and published, a full investigation by law enforcement officers is under way .

But unless you accept the online birth document image provided by the White House, the image that investigators say probably is a forgery, the question remains unanswered since the proof still is concealed.

So what's the solution? Perhaps a demand by the American people for the answer to the riddle of Obama's background, and now a new billboard has been launched outside Frysburg, Pa., to remind travelers to ask just that question.

The billboard is on Interstate 78 for traffic going toward Hershey, just before exit 10 at Frystown, the latest in a long list of such billboards that have appeared across the nation over the past few years.

Would you like to see these billboards all over the U.S.? Then support WND's national billboard truth campaign.

Joseph Farah, founder and CEO of, launched the campaign when the questions over Obama's background, and eligibility for office, arose. He explains that there are reasonable questions that need to be answered.

"We're talking about dozens and dozens of problems with a [brith] document no one else in the media or the Washington political establishment dares to question," he said.

"That's why this campaign, going over the heads of the media, is so vitally necessary. It worked once before. It will work again," he said.

Billboards, however, are just a small part of the campaign to raise the public's awareness of the unresolved issues about Obama's background.

Among other efforts:

There's a campaign to raise funds to pay the expenses of the Cold Case Posse assigned by Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio to look into the validity of Obama's records. This is the team that already said there is probable cause to believe the birth document is a forgery.There's the complete findings documented by the Cold Case Posse.There's the "Your Papers, Please?" edition of the Whistleblower,There's a campaign to post billboards, reminding Americans just what they don't know about Obama.There's a "Birther on Board!" bumper sticker to raise awareness.There's the "Where's the Birth Certificate?" book by Jerome Corsi, detailing the evidence that exists – and explaining what's still missing.There's a light look at the issue, from Molotov Mitchell, in his DVD "For the Record: I'm Not Crazy."There are yard and rally signs to let people know what hasn't been documented by Obama.A stylish T-shirt allows you even to wear the question.

    • the explanation for why there have been dozens of lawsuits over the issue, and why millions of Americans want Obama to prove he's constitutionally qualified to be president.

Anniston32Another recent billboard went up in Anniston, Ala., at 5500 McClellan Boulevard near the TSC Tractor Supply.

Among the dozens that have been posted all across the continent, another recent billboard was erected near Nashville:

The nationwide campaign also has included a banner with the same question in the skies over Texas for National Football League fans heading into a game between the Dallas Cowboys and the New York Giants last season:

A special message for President Obama flying over Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, Texas, Dec. 11, 2011

It was not the first time the question surrounding Obama's constitutional eligibility for office had hit the friendly skies.

At the CNN-Tea Party GOP debate in Tampa, Fla., last fall, the question was displayed on a flying billboard.

A plane soared overhead trailing a banner demanding, "Where's the Real Birth Certificate?"

Aerial banner over Tampa

It's all about the image that Obama released:

While the original billboards asked "Where's the Birth Certificate?" when Obama released the document that now has been described as a probable fraud, the word "Real" was added.

"There are so many questions about the document Barack Obama released," Farah has explained. "They run the gamut from layering found in what he claims is his long-form birth certificate to the fact that it doesn't reflect an adoption by his stepfather that Obama himself asserts actually took place."

Some critics contend he was not born in the United States, and thus would not be a "natural born citizen" as the Constitution requires of presidents. They allege that the document Obama released last year is a fabrication.

Others contend that the Founders would have understood a "natural born citizen" to be the offspring of two citizens of the nation, and since Obama's father was a visiting student from Kenya, he wouldn't qualify under any circumstances.

Dozens of lawsuits over the issue have been rejected by judges. A new round of cases now is challenging Obama's name on the 2012 presidential election ballot for failing to submit to state requirements to document his eligibility.

And Arpaio's investigation is continuing to expand.

After the early billboards had caught the nation's attention, half or more of the respondents in several polls said they no longer believed Obama's story about his eligibility, and just about that many wanted Congress to investigate.

Corsi also told WND an intelligence source in Hawaii who warned early last year that a forged Obama birth record would be released also is reporting a forged "original" birth certificate intended to pass forensic inspection by using 1961 materials is being prepared and could be released as an "October surprise."

The source, who has contact with Hawaii government officials, was questioned by Mike Zullo, the head of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Cold Case Posse team. Zullo recently returned from a trip to Hawaii to follow up on leads in the posse's investigation of Obama's eligibility for the 2012 election ballot in Arizona. Arpaio announced March 1 that his team found probable cause that the document posted by the White House April 27, 2011, is a forgery.

Zullo told WND that regardless of whether the Hawaii source's information pans out, he wants to see the original microfilm record of Obama's birth.

"If they decide to try to produce a document, we're going to be skeptical," he said. "We've been calling for the microfilm from the beginning."

The Hawaii source said ink and paper from 1961 have been secured to create an "original" document that would correspond with the digital copy posted on the White House website.

As WND reported one year ago, radical supporters of Obama have openly admitted their role in the forging of a Kenyan Obama birth certificate.

The Obama campaign and White House have joked about the issue multiple times, even trying to raise money by selling mugs, but have yet to answer many of the pertinent questions, such as those about his state senate records, his college records, his passport records and others.