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It's finally here ... 'MARXISM, AMERICAN-STYLE'


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May 31, 2012


We won the Cold War. So how did this happen?

Marxism? In America? The very idea sounds absurd to most people.

After all, this is the "land of the free." Plus, we won the Cold War against the Soviet Union and its miserable Marxist "utopia," didn't we?

Moreover, Marx himself – the bearded German revolutionary who predicted the world's workers would rise up and conquer all the evil factory owners and usher in a socialist paradise – was wrong, wasn't he? His big "workers' revolt" never happened – except in Russia. And it's certainly not happening in today's America.

All true. But look beyond Marx's deluded theories about workers revolting, and instead focus on what Marxism really means – an all-out attack on free-market capitalism and the productive, job-creating segment of society, coupled with plans for massive confiscation and redistribution of wealth and power by an all-powerful, all-controlling government. Oh wait – now that sounds exactly like what is happening in today's America.

The truth is that the USA – after sending hundreds of thousands of its finest young people overseas to fight and die to combat the evils of Marxism – has quietly and steadily succumbed to the same ideological seduction right here at home.

This almost unthinkable situation is dramatically documented in the June issue of WND's monthly Whistleblower magazine, titled "MARXISM, AMERICAN-STYLE."


The issue reveals with jaw-dropping clarity how Marx's godless, materialist ideology – characterized by an all-consuming obsession with government control of resources and production, as well as the radical "redistribution" of wealth and power to perpetually aggrieved "victim" segments of society – now dominates key American institutions, from academia to the environmental movement to the Democratic Party.

Highlights of "MARXISM, AMERICAN-STYLE" include:

  • "Forward!" Obama's new slogan has "Marxism" written all over it


  • "Critical time for ideological debate" by Rep. Allen West. Call them what you wish, says Florida congressman – "communist," "statist," "socialist" or "progressive" – but Congress has a lot of them


  • "Are there really ‘80 communists' in the U.S. House?" by Aaron Klein, who shows that the Congressional Progressive Caucus was indeed founded by a socialist group


  • "The Hugo Chavez wing of the Democratic Party," about Rep. Maxine Waters' on-camera threat to "socialize" the entire oil industry


  • "Progressive congressmen working to insert redistribution into Constitution" – yes, they really are doing that


  • "How red states turned blue and vice versa" by Joseph Farah, on the media's reversal of long-established and common-sense election reporting protocol


  • "America's Marxist picnic" by David Kupelian, a powerful personal story that illustrates why the U.S. government no longer worries about communists


  • "Meeting young Obama" by John Drew, the former Marxist student leader at Occidental College, who reveals that Obama during his college years was a "Marxist revolutionary"


  • "For Obama, ‘redistributing wealth' is job 1," documenting the president's open contempt for the Constitution and stated desire for massive "redistributive change"


  • "Communist Party USA: Unite behind Obama" by Drew Zahn, quoting the group's leadership urging party members to support Obama in 2012


  • "Who – and what – is behind the Occupy movement?" by Art Moore, revealing that the movement's revolutionary organizers aim to "create a new world from the ashes of the old'"


  • "Ayers group envisioned killing 25 million 'diehard capitalists,' says FBI informant," featuring astonishing testimony that Bill Ayers Weather Underground contemplated mass murder on an unthinkable scale


  • "In America, Marxism is colored green" by Brian Sussman, on why the far left has always been obsessed with the environment


  • "How progressives sabotaged public schooling" by David Kupelian, showing how top "education reformers" believed "early indoctrination of all children would lead to an orderly scientific society"


  • "They thought of themselves as secret agents": Former radical leftist David Horowitz explains the inner thought-world of communists living in America


  • "Hillary: I'm a ‘modern progressive'": Like Obama, Hillary Clinton is a huge fan of Chicago Marxist Saul Alinsky


  • "How to disguise Marxism as Christianity" by Art Moore, who reveals that Jeremiah Wright wasn't Obama's only radical pastor


  • "The religious left" – on why major church denominations and umbrella groups always seem to support everything leftwing and subversive


  • "Who stole our culture?" by William Lind, on how America's Judeo-Christian values were replaced by Marxist ones – and almost no one noticed.

"This is an awesome issue of Whistleblower, as it distills so much information and makes America's current predicament so clear and understandable," said Whistleblower Editor David Kupelian. "It's also a great issue to give to friends and loved ones," he added. "It'll wake them up and get them to realize what has really been happening to their country in recent years – and where it's headed if we don't turn things around."

SPECIAL OFFER: For a limited time, subscribe to Whistleblower, renew your subscription or give a gift subscription for one year and you'll get $10 off (pay $39.95 instead of the usual $49.95), plus you'll receive two terrific free gifts:

First, you'll get author Brian Sussman's sizzling new blockbuster book, "Eco-Tyranny: How the Left's Green Agenda will Dismantle America."

Exorbitant energy prices, rolling blackouts, acute food shortages, critical water deficiencies, and private property rights usurped: This is America's future as envisioned by the environmental movement's well-honed green agenda. In order to de-develop the United States, the Left is using phony environmental crises to demonize capitalism and liberty, and purposefully withhold America's vast natural resources – and the Obama administration is piloting the plan. "Eco-Tyranny," by bestselling author Brian Sussman, presents a rational strategy to responsibly harvest our nation's vast resources in order to fulfill the future needs of a rapidly growing population.

"Eco-Tyranny" is the most damning exposé ever written about the environmental movement – a movement that is not about clean air, clean water, and healthy forests, but rather about hammering capitalism, destroying free enterprise, and stealing our liberty.

"Eco-Tyranny" exposes the red roots of the green movement and conclusively illustrates how its deceptive branches have now extended into every of aspect of American life. As such, it's one book Barack Obama, Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi, Greenpeace and EarthFirst definitely do not want you to read. (A $25.95 value – FREE with your subscription!)

You'll also receive an amazing Whistleblower special report, "THE ALINSKY CODE: How America is confused, intimidated and dominated by the left's secret language."

Underlying all of today's governmental and cultural madness – providing the means for all the non-stop lying, deceit subversion and socialist "transformation" of America – is a secret language of the left, a language most citizens neither understand nor even recognize. Without this secret language, the "matrix" of deceit and delusion enveloping modern America would soon disappear – just as in the sci-fi film blockbuster "The Matrix" – and citizens would behold Barack Obama and his administration for exactly what they really are: committed revolutionaries of the radical left.

EVEN BETTER OFFER: Subscribe, renew or give a gift subscription for two years and not only will you receive "Eco-Tyranny" and "THE ALINSKY CODE," but you'll get $10 off the already discounted two-year rate (pay only $74.95 instead of the usual $84.95).

These special free offers will end without notice and are good in the U.S. only.




PLEASE NOTE: When your Whistleblower subscription is due to expire, you will receive a renewal notice from us. To keep Whistleblower coming, do nothing and we'll renew your subscription automatically for the special low price of only $39.95 by charging your credit or debit card. There's never any risk, as you may cancel at any time for a full refund of the unused portion of your subscription.

If you prefer, you may order a single copy of the June issue, "MARXISM, AMERICAN-STYLE."