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Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation - Grassfire Nation Update

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May 3, 2012

It's here and it's shipping. The first printed copies of 69 Obama Lies arrived at our offices yesterday and are quickly being distributed to Grassfire team members.


The balance of our first shipment is due in our offices today. We simply do not have enough copies for the entire Grassfire team.


Here's why this is the most important resource we've ever produced....


+ + Putting the Truth Detector To Obama


About eight weeks ago, our staff set out with the goal of putting the "truth detector" to what Obama has actually said. What we realized is Obama has lied so pervasively and thoroughly that even our staff had forgotten many of his most outrageous fibs! That's when we realized we had to create a written record of the Obama Lies.

When we finished, we had created a 122-page, 20,000-word dossier that documents a disturbing cross-section of fibs, falsehoods, and fabrications that our President has used to win votes while implementing his radical agenda. 69 Obama Lies is NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT. But due to high demand, supplies are limited. Go here to order:


+ + The Lies that got Obama elected...


69 Obama Lies is organized in six sections that cover everything from the lies Obama has told about himself (we call these "ObamaLies"), to his campaign lies, his lies about government and taxes, ObamaCare and domestic and foreign policy.


They are all here -- and footnoted so you will have complete documentation. We start with the ObamaLies -- his denial of Rev. Wright.... the "normalcy" of his church... the Bill Ayers lie... the ACORN lie... and Obama's "Brother's Keeper" lie which exposes his Marxist core.


Let's be clear -- it was these  "ObamaLies" along with his campaign lies that got Obama elected in the first place. Obama's ability to cloak his real beliefs and his real associations (with the willing help of the liberal media) kept his campaign moving forward.


But we don't stop there....


+ + Obama's "Big Government" Lies


69 Obama Lies also tracks the BIG LIE that Obama sold to the American people just after Inauguration Day -- that massive deficit spending would "create and save" jobs and restore the economy.


It was all a LIE. We know that now. But it is vitally important to have the facts laid out in an orderly fashion. That's precisely what 69 Obama Lies does. We expose the full range of Obama's Big Government lies...


The "Create Or Save Jobs" Lie...



The Stimulus Law is Working" Lie...


The "I'll Cut The Deficit" Lie...


The "Government Motors" Lie...


The "Cash for Clunkers" Lie...


The "Rich Pay Less In Taxes" Lie...

+ + Border Lies, ObamaCare Lies... Energy Lies...


69 Obama Lies literally covers every aspect of Obama's presidency -- from his lies about border security and immigration to his lies about gas prices and green jobs. 


We saved a whole section for Obama's signature legislative "achievement" -- ObamaCare. We've identified a Baker's Dozen of fibs Obama told just to get ObamaCare passed. 


And please note that each of the 69 Obama Lies is like a mini research report -- clearly laying out the specific Obama lie and fully documenting our sources.


You get the actual words of Obama set against the truth -- the LIE next to the reality check.


69 Obama Lies is NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT. But due to high demand, supplies are limited. Go here to order:Go here to request your copies and see the complete list of 69 Lies.


+ + 69 Obama Lies IS NOW SHIPPING!


If you can help Grassfire with a contribution of ANY AMOUNT (even a few dollars to cover printing and shipping), we'll send you TWO COPIES of "69 Obama Lies" -- one to keep and one to share with a friend.


TOMORROW (THURSDAY), the balance of our print run will be shipped to our offices and will begin being distributed to our team members on an first-come, first-served basis.

Please note that nearly 70% of our initial print run has been pre-ordered by Grassfire team members. In order to be included in our first shipment, please let me hear from you as soon as possible. Go here to request your two copies:


I truly believe 69 Obama Lies is the most thorough and most important resource Grassfire has ever created. And I want to put it in the hands of every Grassfire team member.


Please take a moment to order your two copies of 69 Obama Lies today, and thanks for the stand you are taking.


Steve Elliott

Grassfire Nation


69 Obama Lies is NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT. But due to high demand, supplies are limited. Go here to order:Go here to request your copies and see the complete list of 69 Lies.

+ + + + +

Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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