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Obama as Lawbreaker

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April 25, 2012

Nine State Attorneys General TAKE A STAND Against Barack Hussein Obama — Saying He Is A LAWBREAKER!

IT’S STARTING — news sources are reporting, “On March 5, the chief law enforcement officials from nine states issued A Report on Obama Administration Violations of Law.”

“Nine constitutional conservative attorneys general say the report’s purpose is to ‘outline actions taken by [the Obama] Administration that are violations of law.’ The report appears to be an unprecedented response to unprecedented lawbreaking.

The Daily Caller quotes one of the nine, Virginia’s Ken Cuccinelli, at a press conference unveiling the report: ‘This is not about policy. … [It is about] this administration’s disregard for the law,’ he said. President Obama and his deputies, he added, are ‘the greatest set of lawbreakers that have run the federal government in our lifetimes.’”

YOU READ THAT RIGHT — Nine Attorneys General are taking on Obama’s blatant violations of the law! But that also means that 80% of the rest of the State AG’s have NOT signed on to that document — but if we can get them to sign on, Barack Obama’s lawbreaking days could be OVER!

CLICK HERE to send Blast Faxes to EVERY SINGLE STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL, to DEMAND that they STAND UP against Barack Hussein Obama’s LAWBREAKING — Just like 9 Attorneys General Already Have!

And sign the FREE petition demanding every AG take action HERE!

The brave signers of this document are Attorneys General Ken Cuccinelli of Virginia; Tom Horne of Arizona; Pam Bondi of Florida; Sam Olens of Georgia; Bill Schuette of Michigan; Scott Pruitt of Oklahoma; Marty Jackley of South Dakota; Alan Wilson of South Carolina; and Greg Abbott of Texas.

Nine Brave American Leaders, standing firm in the face of tyranny and lawbreaking that has defined the Obama regime for four years now.

The report lists 21 violations of law by the Obama Administration that these attorneys general are currently fighting (see the complete list below). As the AGs put it, “Whether it is through the EPA, NLRB, Office of Surface Mining, FCC or other entities, the Obama Administration has aggressively used administrative agencies to implement policy objectives that cannot gain congressional approval and are outside of the law.”

And these aren’t just “shots in the dark” — these are specific violations of law that have been committed by Obama’s cronies across America.

For example, in Florida, the Environmental Protection Agency chose to impose its own costly, unprecedented and unscientific “numeric nutrient” criteria. A judge found the EPA’s rules were not based on sound science and that the agency had failed to prove that its rule would prevent any harm to the environment – in other words, the EPA was found to have violated the law.

In South Carolina, the National Labor Relations Board went on the attack against Boeing, a private company and corporate citizen of South Carolina, telling the employer where they could or could not locate facilities. After a high-profile fight, the NLRB backed down in their complaint against Boeing… but only after the company and the union worked through an agreement.

In Arizona, voters passed a referendum requiring that individuals registering to vote show evidence that they are citizens. Over 90 percent of the population can satisfy this simply by writing down a driver’s license number or naturalization number. The less than 10 percent of those who do not have these numbers are able to register by mailing a copy of a birth certificate, passport, Indian registration number or similar documentation. The Obama regime argued against Arizona in the Ninth Circuit, and a decision is yet to be made.

In Oklahoma, the EPA illegally usurped the State’s authority under the Clean Air Act to determine the state’s own plan for addressing sources of emissions, by arbitrarily imposing a federal implementation plan. The federal plan goes beyond the authority granted to the EPA in the Clean Air Act, and will result in a $2 billion cost to install technology needed to complete the EPA plan, and a permanent increase of 15-20 percent in the cost of electricity. The Obama Administration is fighting Oklahoma’s appeal, which was filed in the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals.

These four state examples, plus the ongoing fight over Obamacare’s individual mandate, are only a representation of the more than 21 Obama Administration violations that these Attorneys General are fighting against.

IT’S A START — but we need EVERY SINGLE STATE AG to join in, to STOP Barack Obama’s lawbreaking… BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!

CLICK HERE to send Blast Faxes to EVERY SINGLE STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL, to DEMAND that they STAND UP against Barack Hussein Obama’s LAWBREAKING — Just like 9 Attorneys General Already Have!

And sign the FREE petition demanding every AG take action HERE!

Regardless of party, when Washington politicians fail to adhere to the Constitution and the rule of law, state attorneys general become the last line of defense against an overreaching federal government. And regardless of the outcome of the upcoming election in November, WE MUST STOP OBAMA NOW before the damage is IRREVERSIBLE! We’ve made it EASY to make your voice heard LOUD AND CLEAR on this issue — please take action NOW!

Conservative Action Alerts

www.Conservative Action

P.S. Here is the complete list of violations of the law which these Attorneys General are responding to:

  • FCC: Regulation of the Internet in the face of a court order from Circuit Court of Appeals for Washington D.C. stating that the FCC does not have the power to regulate the Internet
  • PPACA: Individual Mandate; To be heard by Supreme Court of the United States in March
  • EPA 1: GHG lawsuit; EPA’s own Inspector General reported last September that EPA failed to comply with its own data standards; Heard in Circuit Court of Appeals for Washington D.C. in February
  • OSM: Attempting to impose regulatory requirements on the 19 states with authority for exclusive regulation of their coalmines for the first time in more than 30 years
  • NLRB: Boeing; Engaged in unprecedented behavior as described by former Chairmen under both Presidents Bush (43) and Clinton; behavior is best exemplified in South Carolina where the Board tried to muzzle over 80 percent of state voters who supported a secret ballot amendment to the South Carolina Constitution and attempted unsuccessfully to tell an employer in the state where they can and cannot base manufacturing facilities
  • EPA: Florida Water; EPA’s numeric nutrient criteria pre-empted Florida standards; U.S. District Judge upheld the state’s site-specific alternative criteria for streams and rivers
  • EPA: Texas Air; TX filed lawsuit challenging Cross-State Air Pollution Rules; application rule to TX was particularly dubious because state was included in the regulation at the last minute and without an opportunity to respond to the proposed regulation; regulation was based on a dubious claim that air pollution from TX affected a single air-quality monitor in Granite City, Illinois more than 500 miles and three states away from Texas
  • EPA: Oklahoma Air; EPA illegally usurped Oklahoma’s authority in the Clean Air Act to determine the state’s own plan for addressing sources of emissions that affect visibility, by imposing a federal implementation plan; Federal plan goes beyond the authority granted to the EPA in the Clean Air Act and will result in $2 billion in cost to install technology needed to complete the EPA plan, and a permanent increase of 15-20 percent in the cost of electricity; Obama Administration is fighting Oklahoma’s appeal, which was filed in the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals
  • HHS: Religious Liberty; HHS mandated religious entities such as Catholic, Baptist and Jewish schools and churches be required to provided medical services they find unconscionable to their employees; President attempted to compromise with an “accommodation” in name only that required insurance companies to provide the services for free to the religious organization employees; Accommodation made matters worse as many religious-base hospitals and schools are self-insurers; Seven Attorneys General filed suit to protect religious liberty and oppose the HHS mandate
  • DOJ: South Carolina & Voting Rights Act: Rejecting voter ID statutes that are similar to those already approved by the Supreme Court of the United States; DOJ ignored section 8 of the Voting Rights Act which calls for protections against voter fraud, and used section 5 to administratively block measures to protect the integrity of elections passed by state legislatures in preclearance states including South Carolina; South Carolina voter ID law merely requires a voter to show photo identification in order to vote or to complete an affidavit at the pain of perjury if the voter does not have a photo ID
  • DOJ: Arizona & Voting Rights Act: Rejecting voter ID statutes that are similar to those already approved by the Supreme Court of the United States
  • DOJ: Arizona Immigration; In violation of 10th Amendment, federal government to sue to prevent AZ from using reasonable measures to discourage illegal immigration within Arizona’s borders; Affects Arizona because state has a large percentage, compared to other states, of illegal immigrants and need to be able to act to reduce the number
  • DOJ: Alabama Immigration; The DOJ challenged Alabama’s immigration reform laws after parts were “green lighted” by a federal judge; DOJ appealed the ruling; parts of the AL case have been struck down in various federal courts; specific provisions of the law include collection of the immigration status of public school students, businesses must use E-Verify, prohibition of illegal immigrants receiving public benefits; the provision requiring immigrants to always carry alien registration cards; allowance of lawsuits by state citizens who do not believe public officials are enforcing the law
  • DOJ: South Carolina Immigration; DOJ challenged South Carolina’s immigration reform laws that are very similar to the AZ which is scheduled to appear before the United States Supreme Court; SC case will be heard by the 4th Circuit soon there after as the 4th Circuit granted SC motion to extend the filing time until after the US Supreme Court issues an Opinion in AZ
  • Congressional: “Recess” appointments to NLRB (three) and CFPB (one)
  • EEOC: Hosanna Tabor (MI); Sought to reinstate a minister who was discharged for her disagreement with the religious doctrine of the church
  • DOE: Yucca Mountain; In 2009, Administration arbitrarily broke federal law and derailed the most studied energy project in American history when DOE announced intent to withdraw 8,000 page Yucca Mountain licensing application with prejudice; SC and Washington State filed suit, as a result, contesting the unconstitutional action; American people have paid more than $31 billion (including interest) through percentages of electric rate fees towards the project and taxpayers have footed an addition $200 million in legal feeds and over $2 billion in judgments against the DOE for breaking contracts associated with Yucca Mountain
  • DOI: Glendale Casino (AZ); Glendale is a violation because the Federal Government is forcing a family-oriented town, Glendale, to become another Las Vegas against its will. Essentially, the Federal Government has granted ‘reservation status’ to a 54-acre plot in the same town, where the Tohono O’odham Nation plans to build a resort and casino.

The various acts carried out by the Obama administration are clearly threats to our constitutional system of government and the rule of law — but we finally have some lawyers using the law for the right purposes. THEY NEED OUR HELP to grow their numbers!


CLICK HERE to send Blast Faxes to EVERY SINGLE STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL, to DEMAND that they STAND UP against Barack Hussein Obama’s LAWBREAKING — Just like 9 Attorneys General Already Have!