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Book Obama tried to kill – back from dead


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April 4, 2012

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WASHINGTON – Twelve months ago, a book called “Where’s the Birth Certificate? The Case That Barack Obama Is Not Eligible to Be President” by New York Times bestselling author Jerome Corsi was the fastest-selling new book in the country a month before its scheduled release.

On the day it hit No. 1 at Amazon, White House records indicate Obama was desperate to derail the issue of eligibility from breaking through into the mainstream media, which has been complicit in covering up all questions pertaining to the issue for four years.

What Obama did next was not unexpected by Corsi and the WND Books team that published it.

“Jerry Corsi called me a couple weeks earlier and told me his sources said the White House was going to release a fraudulent Hawaiian birth certificate before the book released to head off the success of the book and to end the burgeoning controversy,” says Joseph Farah, founder and chief executive officer of WND and WND Books. “There was not much we could do about that. We were anticipating the move and planning to subject the document to intense forensic investigation.”

On April 27, 2011, the White House posted the alleged long-form birth certificate on its official government website to quell the growing doubts about its existence.

“The media, partners in the crime of the cover-up of Obama’s ineligibility for the presidency, quickly embraced the document without even a cursory examination,” said Farah.

And that appeared to be the end of the eligibility debate – with even Donald Trump capitulating.

But something changed recently when the very first law enforcement investigation of Obama’s eligibility announced its findings that the document was indeed fraudulent. The eligibility issue is alive and well and threatening to derail Obama’s re-election bid.

For WND’s part, Corsi quickly assembled all of the forensic investigative findings about the document itself in an updated e-book version of the book, “Where’s the Real Birth Certificate?” Those findings provided much of the preliminary probable cause for the investigation by Arizona’s Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who oversaw a six-month law enforcement probe – the first ever conducted into the matter of national security and constitutional integrity.

And now the book that Obama tried to kill is back – the most thorough and comprehensive exploration of all of the issues involving the eligibility of the man in the White House. It’s more relevant today – eight months before the election – than ever before.

For a limited time only, WND Books and the WND Superstore is making available both the original book, signed by the author, and the updated e-book companion, which includes a full examination of the fraudulent birth certificate released by the White House, for one low price of $9.99 – to ensure the American people have every opportunity to learn the truth before it’s too late.

In addition, WND is making available other resources in this critical hour at giveaway prices:

Everything is marked down to bargain prices because time is short to make a difference.

And don’t forget to help the two independent investigations that have kept this issue alive for four years: