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Sheriff Joe wants Obama's original draft card

Jerome R. Corsi

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March 22, 2012

Asks feds: What steps will be taken to investigate possible forgery?

Following up on his investigative team’s finding of probable cause that Barack Obama’s Selective Service registration form is a forgery, Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio has asked Selective Service Director Lawrence Romo in a letter to produce original documentation.

A copy of Obama’s registration form indicates the registration took place at the Makiki Station Post Office in Honolulu on July 29, 1980. Arpaio wants court-approved, forensic experts selected by his office to examine the original for its authenticity, as well as any microfilm or computer copies that may exist.

In the letter, Arpaio also asked Romo to pursue his own investigation to determine when and how Obama’s Selective Service registration was submitted and entered into the agency’s records.

“No doubt your agency has established procedures for investigating probable cause suspicions when a Selective Service Registration card has been forged,” Arpaio writes.

Help Sheriff Joe bust the lid off Obama’s fraud. Join the Cold Case Posse right now!

Arpaio tells Romo his sheriff’s office “would appreciate knowing what steps you will direct the Selective Service system to take to investigate these allegations, so that together we may ultimately identify the person or persons responsible for producing the document.”

Arpaio asks Romo to respond within 30 days regarding whether or not his national office will provide him with the original document and if his agency will move forward with an investigation of its own.

Romo, who was appointed in 2009 by Obama, reports directly to the president.

Date stamp forged?

Exhibit A shows Obama’s Selective Service registration form, with the Post Office date stamp, July 29, 1980, in the lower right corner.

Exhibit A: Barack Obama's Selective Service registration form

Arpaio’s investigators reviewed a number of authentic Selective Service registration forms obtained from the federal government through Freedom of Information Act requests.

Read the preliminary findings of Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse investigation.

Exhibit B presents four of the authentic Selective Service registration forms. All of the forms have a Post Office stamp that indicates the year with four digits.

Exhibit B: Authentic Selective Service registration forms, with Post Office stamps containing four-digit year designation

In sharp contrast, the year designation in Obama’s Selective Service registration has two digits, specifying only “80″ instead of “1980.”

Exhibit C shows the standard Post Office date-stamp equipment that was used to stamp Selective Service registration forms. A close-up shows the three slots on the bottom of the stamp in which the month, day and year plugs were inserted.

Exhibit C: Standard Post Office date stamp, Selective Service registration

Exhibit D shows five examples of the expected results from the pica stamp used by the U.S. Post Office to date-stamp Selective Service registration forms.

Exhibit D: Authentic Selective Service registration date stamps, 1980

The first two stamps in the illustration are from the same Post Office – Makiki Station in Honolulu, Hawaii – indicated on Obama’s Selective Service registration.

While some of the letters stamped in the outer ring on some of the authentic documents are indistinct or even missing, all of the authentic date stamps include four digits for the year at the center of the stamp.

Investigators duplicate Obama’s date stamp

Arpaio’s investigators located and interviewed several 1980s-era Post Office employees who attested that it was standard procedure to utilize a four-digit date stamp.

Investigators next turned their attention toward figuring out how Obama’s Selective Service registration form could possibly have obtained a two-digit year stamp.

Exhibit E shows investigators were able to obtain an authentic 1980 pica date stamp. The photograph also shows the knife set used in the investigation.

Exhibit E: Knife used to cut "2008" date, pica Post Office date stamp

Since investigators could find no 1980 pica Post Office date stamps available, they had no choice but to cut a 2008 pica Post Office date stamp and invert the “08″ half, so that when it was placed in the date compartment, the stamp printed out “80.”

Surprisingly, the result ended up looking identical to the date stamp on Obama’s Selective Service registration card, as demonstrated in Exhibit F.

Exhibit F: "80" two-digit PICA Post Office date stamp in Barack Obama's Selective Service registration (black stamp) and in the date stamp produced by Sheriff Arpaio's investigators (red stamp)

Exhibit G makes clear that the off-to-the-right date stamp seen in the registration, the same as is seen in the demonstration by Arpaio’s investigators, is not observed in the authentic four-digit pica date stamp used in the same office indicated on Obama’s Selective Service registration, which has the same month, July 1980.

Exhibit G, Obama Selective Service registration on left, authentic Selective Service registration on right – same month, same Post Office

The numbers “80″ are out of line to the right in Obama’s card because when the numbers “08″ were cut away from the “2008″ date plug, they were not cut squarely.

Arpaio’s investigators concluded that Obama’s Selective Service registration card fit into what was becoming a common narrative for his life: The document was not only forged, it was poorly forged.