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Donald Trump: Say it is so, Sheriff Joe

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March 14, 2012

Donald Trump's note praises Sheriff Joe Arpaio for investigating President Obama's eligibility

NEW YORK – Billionaire Donald Trump is heaping praise and encouragement on Sheriff Joe Arpaio for the Arizona lawman’s probe into the authenticity of President Obama’s purported birth certificate and his eligibility for office.

WND has confirmed with Michael Cohen, a top aide to Trump, that “The Donald” personally penned a handwritten note of congratulations to Arpaio following the Maricopa County sheriff’s Cold Case Posse news conference March 1 in Phoenix.

NOTE: In case you missed the news conference of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s “Cold Case Posse,” you can view it here.

Having printed out an Associated Press report of the event that featured a photograph of Arpaio and published by the Huffington Post, Trump penned diagonally in the upper left hand corner, “Joe – Great going – You are the only one with the ‘guts’ to do this – Keep up the good fight – Donald Trump.”

Last April, after the White House released the long-form birth certificate that Arpaio’s law-enforcement investigators now have probable cause to believe to be a forgery, Trump told WND’s senior staff reporter Jerome Corsi that he would be willing to consider going public once again on Obama’s birth certificate if and when the issue resurfaced as a major news item.

Trump has consistently maintained he has doubts the Obama birth certificate released by the White House is genuine, even though he has decided to take a low profile on the issue in recent months.

Read the preliminary results of Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse investigation.

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