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Richard C. Hoagland

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Dec. 22, 2011

Since when did even Christmas cards become controversial in Washington?

Since President Barack Obama and First lady Michelle Obama sent out their annual White House Christmas card this year -- which features "Bo" (the FirstDog) lying in front of a warm, holiday-trimmed fireplace in the White House Library, while a handful of presents grace a nearby library table under a cheerful seasonal poinsettia ....

Even Christmas card "experts" -- like Sarah Palin and FOX News -- suspected something "odd" about the Obamas' choice of "a dog" to represent "American Foundational values ... [of] family, faith and freedom" -- instead of "a traditional Christmas tree."

Then, apparently adding "insult to injury," while waiting for the House of Representatives to come around and finally vote an extension of payroll tax cuts for 160 million Americans just before Christmas, that the Senate already voted into law a couple days before, the President took Bo Christmas shopping around Washington the other afternoon ... even buying him a big chewy bone and a bag of treats, while waiting for the House to act so he can then join Michelle and the girls in Hawaii for Christmas ... at 19.5 degrees latitude!....

Those who have "Siriusly" followed our work over the years, of course, will find nothing strange about any of this ... except, perhaps, that Sarah actually suspects (finally) what is REALLY going on ....

Merry Christmas, Enterprise. :)


Sirius is also known colloquially as the "Dog Star", reflecting its prominence in its constellation, Canis Major (Greater Dog).[11