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Now it's time to answer 'Where's the REAL Birth Certificate?'


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Nov. 22, 2011

Now it's time to answer

'Where's the REAL Birth Certificate?'

New e-book shows why Barack Obama still has not proved he's eligible

When Barack Obama announced last spring that he was finally releasing his birth certificate after two-and-a-half years of battling court cases and ridiculing requests to prove his presidential eligibility, he declared it was time to "get serious" and move on.

It was no accident that one week before the April 27 release, some of the startling findings of two-time No. 1 New York Times bestselling author Jerome Corsi's then-upcoming blockbuster book declaring Obama ineligible for the White House, "Where's the Birth Certificate?" were leaked on the most influential news and political page on the Internet, the Drudge Report.

The publicity drove the book immediately to No. 1 on one month before its scheduled release and obviously caught the attention of the White House.

But now, the White House declared in April, the issue had finally been put to rest, and the public could see the document that served as "proof positive" that Obama was born in Honolulu and fulfilled the constitutional requirements for the presidency.

Not so fast, said more than 20 document and computer imaging specialists who examined the online image and either questioned its authenticity or declared it outright to be fraudulent.

Now you can see the rest of the story – the findings indicating Obama's birth certificate is fake, along with the evidence that prompted Obama to act – in the new e-book edition of Corsi's expose, "Where's the Real Birth Certificate?"

If you purchase the original hardcover at a newly reduced price of just $14.99, you can get the e-book with the latest on Obama's eligibility for FREE.

If you already have the hardcover and want to purchase only the e-book, it's available now for download at WND's Superstore for just $7.99.

Evidence you'll find in the new e-book edition already is in the hands of America's most famous sheriff, Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Ariz.

As WND reported, Arpaio has commission a "Cold Case Posse" of former cops and lawyers to investigate Obama's eligibility for the Arizona presidential ballot in 2012.


Sheriff Joe Arpaio speaking to the Eastern Orlando

Tea Party Nov. 12 in Orlando, Fla., about his

investigation of Barack Obama's eligibility. 

(WND photo)

Arpaio has been careful about revealing details of his probe, but when WND asked him last weekend whether he commissioned the posse merely out of obligation to his constituents or because he was personally persuaded by the evidence, he replied: "The old saying, 'Where there is smoke … .'"

Arapaio told WND the investigation is complex, and his team is "putting a lot of time into this, looking into it 24 hours a day."

"They're living this thing," the sheriff said. "I think they almost dream about it at night, with all the stuff that's come."

The experts who initially raised questions on blogs and Web forums about the document released by the White House April 27 contended it looked like it was fraudulently manufactured because it is composed of multiple layers.

Some pundits who took note of the layer argument, however, quickly dismissed it after some graphic artists pointed out that the format in which Obama's document was released, Portable Document Format, or PDF, is typically composed of multiple images.

The next day, however, a computer document specialist in Tampa with 28 years experience in the field concluded the multiple layers of the PDF document were not normal.

He was followed by a raft of others who in unequivocal terms declared it fraudulent.

In all, nearly two dozen experts contacted Corsi of their own initiative, explaining they had offered their work to many mainstream media outlets, including the New York Times, but were rejected. They wanted to demonstrate why they believed the document released by the White House was a forgery.


"Where's the REAL Birth Certificate?", the result of three years of exhaustive research, establishes the case not only that Barack Obama isn't legally qualified to be president, but that, aided by his media co-conspirators, he has conducted one of the most audacious cover-ups ever perpetrated at the highest level of American politics.

In the book, Corsi demonstrates conclusively that no legal authority has ever verified Obama's legal eligibility to be president, that glaring inconsistencies, blackouts and outright fabrications in his life narrative have generated widespread doubts, and that a compelling body of evidence says Obama is not a natural-born citizen as is required of presidents by Article 2, Section 1, of the Constitution.

Just a few of the well-documented arguments you'll find in "Where's the REAL Birth Certificate?":

    • Obama was born a dual citizen of the United Kingdom and the United States, a circumstance the Constitution's framers considered an iron-clad roadblock to the presidency

    • As a boy, Obama was officially registered in school as a Muslim and Indonesian citizen, another barrier to U.S. natural-born citizenship

    • The Congressional Research Service, a public policy arm of Congress, officially admits no one in the government ever vetted Obama's constitutional eligibility

Corsi has a Ph.D. from Harvard in political science and serves as senior staff reporter for WND. He is the author of No. 1 New York Times nonfiction bestsellers "Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry" (with co-author John O'Neill) and "The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality."