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White House Tipped Off AP Reporter Ahead of Michelle Obama's Target Photo-Op

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Another staged moment in the lives of Barack and Michelle Obama.

Michelle Obama just had to get out to Target to do a little shopping last week. But, before the shopping run the White House tipped off AP photographer Charles Dharapak so that he would be at the store to memorialize the moment.

Michelle Obama checks out at Target. That’s her assistant behind her carrying the bags. (AP)

At least she wore a shirt that is reportedly from Old Navy(?) and not a designer T-shirt like she wears out when she paints community centers.



This is a laughable staged White House ploy with none of the bags in the empty cart as Michelle totes Target bags to her Limo with her Security Aid following close behind also carrying bags. 
It's too late for these types of theatrics -- remember what happened to Marie Antoinette?

Oct. 1, 2011