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Michelle Obama disrespects the flag folding ceremony at the World Trade Center memorial

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When Michelle Obama officially kicked off her role in her husband's 2012 Democratic campaign in a speech to the Democratic National Committee's liberal Women's Leadership Forum on Thursday, May 21, 2011, she stood in front of a backdrop of patriotic red, white and blue. The colors of freedom. The American flag. The symbol that men and women have fought for—and died. The flag works—when she is the centerpiece of the display, since all the flag represents to her—window dressing . On Sept. 11, on the 10th Anniversary of the World Trade Center disaster, as she waiting impatiently for her own celeb moment, during the flag folding to the sound of marching bagpipers ceremony to honor the fallen on 9-11. Caught on video by Fox News, Michelle Obama leaned towards her husband and, according to someone who read lips, appears to say: "All of this just for a flag?" Then, she pursed her lips and shook her head as her husband nodded in agreement.

Michelle Obama, you will recall, told the world she had never had occasion to be proud of America. Her statement, made on Feb. 17, 2008 was: "For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country." (She really wasn't then, either since her statement was merely a "pitch" for change in America—Obama's move away from free market democracy to Marxism. A couple months after expressing her contempt for America, Michelle Obama made her famous May 5, 2008 Trinity United Church of Christ audio-taped "whitey" speech, referring to the middle class White community of the United States as racist. Her husband is cut from the same cloth. If you recall during his election campaign there was a flap about American flag lapel pins, with Obama's campaign opting from wearing them because "it offended some people."

Defending his action, the far left mainstream TV media did the same. TV newscasters on ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC and NBC shunned American flag lapel pins. Obama went a step farther by designing his own "American" logo that emblazoned the tailfin on his rented campaign jet. On the tailfin is where the flag of that plane's registration is generally found (just like the flag that flies on ships-at-sea. Obama's "country-of-origin" based on his 'flag" is about the most honest statement he has made since becoming part of the public persona of America—zero. He has no "public" country of origin. The Canadian conspiracy citizenship claims notwithstanding, Obama was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia.

Barack Obama, in his role (regardless how he got there) as a chief executive, understands the pomp and circumstance that goes with the job. Michelle Obama, whose waking moments are reportedly centered only upon her own celebrirty status, doesn't understand that the official respect shown to her is not about her. It's about her role based solely on the consequence of marriage. The respect shown her is respect Americans show for the First Family of the United States (regardless how they got there). But while they are there, in the White House, they need to show respect for the American flag and for the American people.