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NASA’s James Hansen Wonders If He Can Arrest Obama And Hillary Clinton.

Tom Nelson

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NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies head James Hansen wonders if ”we” can make a citizen’s arrest on Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton if the Keystone pipeline is approved.


Fortunately, Congress adopted and Bush approved the Energy Inderpendence and Security Act 2007, which was intended to prevent U.S. agencies from buying alternative fuels that generate more pollution in their life cycle than convential fuel from customary petroleum sources. Tar sands oil not only exceeds conventional petroleum, the energy used in mining, processing and transporting tar sands oil makes it slightly worse (in terms of CO2 produced per unit energy) than coal. Who would drive a car powered by coal!? This raises a question: if the Keystone XL pipeline is appoved, can we make a citizen’s arrest on Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama for violating the Security Act? If they were put in the back of a hot paddy wagon in DC and held for at least several hours with their hands tied behind their backs, maybe they would have a chance to think over this matter more clearly.

via Tom Nelson.