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Obama Social Security Number to become issue in 2012 race?

Joe Kovacs

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'You better probe a little harder to make sure identity you're dealing with is a real identity'

President Obama's potentially criminal use of a mysterious, Connecticut-based Social Security Number should become an important issue in his quest for re-election in 2012, says a former presidential candidate and ambassador in Ronald Reagan's administration.

Alan Keyes, who most recently sought the Republican nomination in 2008, discussed concerns about why Obama has a number reserved for Connecticut applicants, despite the president's never having lived in the Constitution State.

The first three digits of Obama's SSN are 042. That code falls within the range of numbers for Connecticut, which according to the Social Security Administration has been 040 through 049.

"I believe that when you are confronted with a situation that is filled with these kinds of – what shall we call them – anomalies, disparities, it is reasonable common sense to want to try to get straight answers," said Keyes.

"If you're trying to ascertain whether or not somebody ought to be sitting with, as they used to say, their finger on the button of nuclear weapons that can blow up the world, their power extending to decisions that can collapse our economy, their influence extending to areas that can destroy the standards and moral conscience of our people in the eyes of the world, I think you might want to know who they were. It might be a good idea!"

Jerome Corsi's New York Times best-seller, "Where's the Birth Certificate?", which addresses Obama's Social Security Number, is now available for immediate shipping, autographed by the author, only from the WND Superstore

Keyes' comments came during an online interview with Stan Solomon, as he addressed an issue that has been avoided by the White House and almost completely ignored by national news agencies.

"Let's say that you're trying to establish someone's identity for the purposes of an investigation and you come across a Social Security Number that has that person coming from a state that all the other records of their life indicate they've never been to," Keyes explained.

"I think you would look at that as an anomaly that suggests, among other things, that you better probe a little harder to make sure that the identity that you're dealing with is a real identity – that it's not something that's been in some sense fabricated for some particular purpose, because one of the things you want to do if you're tracking somebody down is make sure you're tracking them down, not following some phony figment down to dead ends. That's common sense."


Keyes thinks there are many Americans who are aware of this Social Security Number mystery and simply can't understand why it's not being addressed.

"Is it incompetence? Is it cowardice?" he asks rhetorically. "Is it just indifference and nonchalance of this elite in the courts and in politics, in the Congress and elsewhere?"

Steve Davis, police chief for Southport, Ind., was a co-host on the program, chiming in, "If anyone believes Barack Obama is gonna make an identity-theft commercial soon, forget it. It's not gonna happen."

Keyes then went on a scathing indictment of the current crop of political candidates and their apparent unwillingness to take on the issue.

"You know there's hardly a one of them had the guts to stand forward and speak truly to the issues that are raised by these anomalies and to address the constitutional issues that are involved in [presidential] eligibility," he said.

"And that, it seems to me, is a big strike against you because at the end of the day if you're not willing to respect the requirements of integrity with regard to the most potently damaging office that it is in the gift of the American people to give, then I guess you're willing to misinform and lie to them about just about anything. Because if you don't care whether their vote for president – the most important vote they cast – can be cast with integrity, then you don't care whether they're represented or not."