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Update: Orly Taitz Files Emergency Motion to Show Cause in Hawaii

Sharon Rondeau

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Attorney Orly Taitz has filed an emergency motion in the U.S. District Court in Honolulu, HI to compel the Health Department Director, Loretta Fuddy, to produce the document ordered by subpoena on July 5, 2011.

Page 2 of the emergency motion states that Fuddy “failed to appear” and “failed to produce any documents or things.”

The Post & Email had been informed by an Oahu resident last week that Fuddy was expected to be in her Honolulu office today.  The Emergency Order to Show Cause requests that Fuddy appear tomorrow to make the requested materials available.  Taitz stated that a letter had been sent to Fuddy and received on July 28, 2011 asking Fuddy whether or not she intended to comply with the terms of the subpoena due to the “tremendous expenses and costs” involved in Taitz’s travel and that of two analysts who had planned to inspect the document(s) if they had been made available.

Page 3 requests the issuing of a bench warrant for Fuddy’s arrest should she refuse to comply with the subpoena on August 9, 2011 as well as “attorneys’ fees and costs” involved in bringing the action against her.

On August 5, 2011, Dr. Jerome Corsi reported that a “prominent law firm” from Hawaii would be assisting Taitz if necessary.  Corsi had predicted that the Hawaii Department of Health might refuse access to the documents requested by Taitz.

The Washington Post reported on a “stinging rebuke” issued by Judge Royce Lamberth against Taitz on July 28, 2011, but in regard to the substance of her case, Taitz v. Astrue, stated only that Taitz was “questioning Obama’s social security number.”  The Post writer also stated that Taitz had filed the case against the Social Security Administration “recently,” when in fact it was filed in February 2011, a full six months ago.

Update, August 8, 2011:  WorldNetDaily is reporting that after Taitz’s arrival at the Hawaii Department of Health to examine the documents to be made available under the subpoena, she was provided with a letter which said that state law precluded the release of Obama’s birth records.  Taitz then obtained “an order” from a magistrate judge at the U.S. District Court in Honolulu compelling HDOH personnel to appear at a hearing on September 14, 2011 to provide their reasons why the subpoena for Obama’s records was not or cannot be honored.

The underlying issue of Taitz’s request to see the original birth record purportedly held by the Hawaii Department of Health is that if Obama’s social security number is being used fraudulently, it might indicate that he never had a birth certificate issued by any state in the U.S.

The Hawaii Department of Health has claimed that it cannot release Obama’s original birth record due to “privacy” concerns.

Taitz has reported this evening on her website that Loretta Fuddy, the Director of the Health Department, had “continued stonewalling.”  Taitz stated that Fox News sent a news crew to the Health Department when Taitz arrived there with her experts as well as to the federal court where the judge’s order was obtained. She also reported that “Nationally Syndicated talk show host Rusty Humphries came to the Health department and recorded the interview. He will be reporting on  280 stations.”  Humphries has a nightly three-hour broadcast and has worked in the areas of radio, entertainment, and writing.  He also ran for U.S. Senate.

Taitz has not returned calls to The Post & Email within recent day

Aug. 8, 2011