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White House operative heading 'birther' smear campaign?

Jerome R. Corsi

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Former Fannie Mae chief allegedly manages 100-strong attack team from Pennsylvania Ave

This is the third in a series of continuing articles aimed at exposing the "OBOTs" – radical supporters of Barack Obama dedicated to disrupting people who question Obama's eligibility to be president.

The first article exposed former California lawyer William L. Bryan, aka "P.J. Foggy." The second article exposed Foggy's sidekick, Kurt Coleman, aka "Rikker."

NEW YORK – A top Democrat, apparently operating with the full approval and cooperation of the president, has been directing a team of up to 100 who are paid to publish disinformation on a wide variety of websites to discredit "birthers," according to anti-Obama researchers.

The radical supporters of the president, known as Obama robots, or "OBOTs" for short, have confirmed their White House-appointed ring leader is Democratic Party operative James A. Johnson, the former chairman of Fannie Mae.

Initially, the OBOTs attempted to mask their Internet identities by posting under usernames with avatars that suggest their personalities. But due largely to the efforts of anti-Obama researchers, including "birthers" vilified by the OBOTs, the true identities of key OBOT operatives have been revealed.

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Remarkably, key OBOT operatives, including possibly Johnson himself, have tended over time to self-identify. Two OBOT usernames – "NeonZX" and "JimBot" – may have been usernames Johnson himself created to cover his tracks.

If "NeonZX" and "JimBot" are James A. Johnson, a link will have been established between the Obama White House at the topmost levels and a highly organized disinformation campaign, most likely financed by taxpayer funds. The campaign has been aimed at anyone who challenges Obama's eligibility to be president under Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution.

WND contacted Johnson's office for comment, but Johnson did not reply.

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July 19, 2011