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Obama's emerging dictatorship

Liberty Counsel Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

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"The founders of the USA knew that government would

      always be the enemy of freedom.  They knew that if it became

      easy to pass laws then the freedoms of the Constitution would

      be completely undermined by an avalanche of restrictive laws. 

      To avoid this fate, they installed checks and balances in the



      Today, columnist Robert Eugene Simmons Jr. nailed what he

      calls "The Soft Dictatorship" gradually overtaking our system

      of government.  See my very important message below - Mat. 

Our founding fathers knew first-hand what it meant to live in

tyranny. They emigrated to avoid it and fought it when it reached

our shores. They experienced how treacherous an out-of-control,

unchecked government can become. 

In a scathing assessment of the overarching breach of power by our

President, legislators and government agencies, Simmons writes....

      "There is virtually nothing that the executive branch and

      regulatory agencies can't do anymore. In fact, some liberal

      talkers have outright called for Obama to rule by executive

      order and he is heeding their call.  When the Cap and Trade bill

      became impossible to enact, Obama directed the EPA to

      implement provisions similar to the core thrust of the bill


      America isn't walking into a mine field; it is already deep

      within the field and in mortal peril of having freedom as we

      know it perish from the earth."

The article sites many more examples of the emerging soft

dictatorship - many of those issues we have aggressively

addressed over the past few years.

Even in the past few days, we have taken a strong stand against the

Left's plan to spend America into financial irrelevance - or


      But "We the People" refuse to allow a dictatorship to emerge

      and tyranny to become our rule of law! 

For this reason, Liberty Counsel has re-cast what is widely

considered to be the most important single document in American

history - the Declaration of Independence - in today's setting,

reflecting the political and governmental situation in 2011.

      We intend to hand deliver a full-color copy of this remarkable

      document to every member of Congress, selected members of

      the Obama Administration, and anywhere else it can have an

      impact!  Now just imagine how much more impact this will

      have when we inform the recipients that hundreds of thousands

      of Americans have endorsed its contents!

Patrick, please help us renew true liberty to America

as it was intended by our founding fathers. Click here to read the

entire document below and to sign our comprehensive

"Declaration of Independence 2011."

Here are a few excerpts for the Declaration 2011:

"...when an abusive government refuses to change, refuses to

listen to THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE, and indeed, when such a

government insists on escalating its abuses against the People,

demonstrating a clear intention of moving toward central control,

even Despotism, then it is not only the Right of the People, but

their Duty, to throw off such a government and appoint others

devoted to serve as protectors of Liberty, Life, and the pursuit of


For decades, and especially since 2006, the American people have

suffered patiently under the near-dictatorial rule of government

officials and bureaucrats in Washington, D.C., officials who have

abused their authority, trampling upon the rights and liberties of

the People...

The injuries inflicted upon the People of these United States by

elitist politicians in Washington, and by the current occupant of the

White House, are so numerous and so outrageous as to warrant a

recounting of their history, demonstrating the clear intention of this

government to exert control over most aspects of American life, to

the destruction of our Constitution, our freedoms, and our God-

given civil rights...

So grievous have these abuses become, especially in the last two

years, the People have concluded the usurpations of the federal

government exceed those of the King of Great Britain during the

18th century, abuses and deprivations causing the issuance of the

first American Declaration of Independence, thus sparking the

American Revolution."     

      Simply put: In America, we do not suffer tyrants! It's time to

      demand our renewed independence from this tyranny!

Patrick, this is an important document that deserves

the endorsement of every American citizen who is feeling the

increasing oppression of the current regime.

Click here to sign Liberty Counsel's "Declaration of Independence


In a nutshell, the "Declaration of Independence of 2011" says...

      We the People, therefore, appealing to the Supreme Judge of

the world, solemnly declare our full intention, by any lawful

means available, to remove from office all those politicians and

office holders who have been complicit in...

      the trampling of our liberties,

      the undermining of our religious freedoms,

      the overt and intentional subversion of our Constitution,

      overstepping the boundaries of their law-based authority,

      the advancement and promotion of a socialist agenda,

      the massive expansion of a federal government through

      agencies and czars whose goal is to "fundamentally transform



           We break the bonds between us and them!

      We declare, by the Rights afforded us by our Creator, that we

      are Duty bound to expose and resist all unlawful decrees and

      policies, such as the extensive list presented above, as have

      been or may yet be issued by the present abusive regime in the

      Executive Branch and in the United States Congress.


Endorsing our "Declaration of Independence

2011" will unite you in our cause of overcoming an unprecedented

expansion of federal power, the outrageous imposition of

unconstitutional mandates, and the radical socialist agenda

designed to "fundamentally transform" America.

We will deliver a copy of the Declaration to each member of

Congress, key officials in the Obama Administration, and to many

other members of the federal bureaucracy on behalf of hundreds of

thousands of patriotic Americans like you!

Please go here to endorse this vital statement:

++Remind our elected officials of their true role in government! 

Government exists to secure all civil rights provided by God.

Government can only do its job if it first gets permission from the

People. Government is therefore placed under the control of the

People and exists to serve the interests of the People.

Please join hundreds of thousands of your fellow liberty-loving

Americans in declaring our independence from tyranny once


This document will send a powerful message - in no uncertain

terms - to the White House and to those in the halls of Congress,

resonating all across our nation that "We the People" have had


      Thank God, more change IS coming - and it is starting now

      with our renewed commitment to freedom as expressed in the

      "Declaration of Independence 2011."  

Click here to sign the "Declaration of Independence 2011" and to

read or download the entire document. I will also be pleased to

send you a full-color, handsomely printed copy for your home or

office if you can support this vital campaign with a financial gift of

any amount today: 

Patrick, I am both pleased by your resolute patriotism

and deeply humbled to stand with you against tyranny and in

defense of liberty, life, and family!

THANK YOU for all you do, and have done, as a key member of

the Liberty Counsel team!

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel

P.S. Please join me in signing Liberty Counsel's "Declaration of

Independence 2011." The message is clear and profound. I

believe this document will soon be virally making its way all

across our nation. Help make this document the launch pad for

American renewal in 2011, carrying over into 2012! Again, thank

you and God bless you!


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or to  change your status, see the link at the end of this e-mail.)

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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and

Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and

policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom,

the sanctity of human life and family. 

Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776

July 19, 2011