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The most serious threat to America

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What prompts people to rant about things? Some just like to bitch, as the professional protesters. We all have our own reasons for what we do. I do it to possibly educate, or inform and yes, to blow some steam before the overpressure plug erupts.

I was listening to some discussion about what is the greatest threat to America and heard several answers. The main concern was the economy although there were others. Fears range from terrorism to global warming.

I disagree. The most serious threat to America and the world is Barack Hussein Obama and his administration. Anyone who has a military background, or knows about it, also knows that we are obligated to fight all enemies, foreign and domestic. We have a domestic enemy destroying our country from within. Obama hates this country and what it stands for. Billions of dollars are given to nations that support and breed terrorism. Obama is not creating jobs, but destroying jobs with taxes and regulations that force business out of the country, or out of business.

Obama says we cannot drill for oil in the Gulf of Mexico, yet he encourages Brazil to do so and promises that the United States will be their best customer.

Obama says that our friendship with Israel cannot be broken. Really? Why is Israel on his list of countries that sponsor terrorism? I.C.E. Treats Israel the same as Iran, Syria, Somalia and other terrorist sponsored countries. Is that how he shows friendship? He treats what allies we have like a bunch of pigs and then bows down to communist dictators who want to kill us.

Since Obama took office, there have been no new prisoners brought to Guantanamo Bay. Captured enemies have been either killed, or released. I don’t think that is because the prison is full.

Guns, ammo, drugs and illegal immigrants flowing across the Mexican border causing murder and chaos on both sides and the laws are ignored, or not enforced. Explain that to the families of the thousands of murder victims.

More restrictions and objections to American rights are surfacing every day. Veterans told that they can’t use the words God, Jesus, or peace in their ceremonies is wrong. Citizens taken to court for displaying the American Flag is ludicrous. The omission of God in our National Anthem and Pledge of Allegiance is no accident. NO ONE is that stupid.

Watch out for the media! They tell us that all the things the government does is good for us. They want to tell us when to get up and when to go to bed, how much salt or sugar to eat. What car to buy and how to do almost everything. They tell us what light bulbs to use or we will be fined. It’s a small start to us losing everything, one piece at a time. It’s almost too late and maybe it is.

Now 3.2 million teachers will be giving to the Obama campaign. Not a choice, but a requirement by the union. Is that fair, or legal? No, but the law and constitution means very little, or nothing to Barack Hussein Obama. He even said, “I’m the President. I can do what I want.”

I was asked if I had any suggestions. Start with a trash can for Obama Care before it leaves 72 million American workers without health care. Zero capital gain tax would bring overseas jobs back where they want to be. Stop the EPA regulations that are killing business and jobs. End the expansion of big government and give it back to the people. Stop aid to countries who hate us. Bring back our troops and put 50,000 of them on the Mexican border to enforce it and another 50,000 to remove the illegal immigrants.

Obama is not an idiot. Those who voted for him are and those who continue to support him will get what they deserve. For the rest of us, we need to educate and show the truth.

George Washington did not have wooden teeth, Benjamin Franklin was not a President and Barack Hussein Obama did not kill Osama bin laden. Stop the political correct bullshit and tell people how you feel and get the backbone to stand up for what is right!

----- Original Message -----

From: LAZ

Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 2:40 PM

Subject: The most serious threat to America