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Adobe book editor positive: Obama certificate is phony

Jerome R. Corsi

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'Altered document is manufactured, or in everyday parlance – a forgery'

NEW YORK – A nationally recognized computer expert who has served as contributing author and technical editor for more than 100 books on Adobe and Microsoft software says the Obama long-form birth-certificate image released by the White House is a fraudulent document created with Adobe software.

"The PDF file released by the White House contains evidence of manipulation suggesting that one or more forgers utilized existing Hawaiian birth certificates to assemble fraudulently for Barack Obama a document the president presented to the world as authentic," Mara Zebest told WND.

Zebest has prepared a full analysis of the image that was presented April 27 by Barack Obama to the world as a copy of his original birth documentation in the state of Hawaii.

Read the full analysis of the Obama long-form birth certificate image released to the public.

The image released online is a copy of Obama's copy of the original, as are the paper copies that were handed out to reporters.

Jerome Corsi’s new book,  "Where’s the Birth Certificate?", is now available for immediate shipping, autographed by the author, only from the WND Superstore

Read more: Adobe book editor positive: Obama certificate is phony


June 28, 2011