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Obama birth records don’t match passport


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Why is Obama's name

different on passport?

Doesn't match birth records released with president's authority

In this era of tight airport security, the Transportation Safety Administration typically will not allow a passenger to board an airplane if the name printed on the ticket differs from the way it appears on government-issued identification.

Now that the White House has released President Obama's purported long-form birth certificate, a question arises as to why the name on that document does not match the name on his State Department passport.

Jerome Corsi's new book, "Where's the Birth Certificate?," is now available for immediate shipping, autographed by the author, only from the WND Superstore.

As shown below, the long-form birth certificate issued by the White House April 27 listed his name as Barack Hussein Obama II:



This matched how his name was listed on the short-form Certification of Live Birth released during the 2008 presidential campaign, as first presented by June 12, 2008:


Below is a close-up screen-capture of Obama's passport taken from the White House website:

Note that Obama’s name on his passport is listed as "Barack Hussein Obama," without the "II" the Hawaii documents list to indicate Obama was named after his father.

As seen below, U.S. State Department passport regulations require first-time applicants to submit an embossed birth certificate, complete with registrar's stamp, that lists the applicant's full name.

Presumably, the State Department intends to use the full name presented on the birth certificate as the name presented on the passport.


Since Obama has refused to release his passport records, it is impossible to determine what documents were submitted to the State Department to obtain the passport.

Click here to read more about the new book that lays out all of the reasons why Obama is not eligible to be president


'Where's the Birth Certificate'

June 13, 2011