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The dead infant and the birth-certificate mystery

Jerome R. Corsi

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Researcher who suspects forgery finds possible reason for Obama registration number



Sunahara grave marker at Miliani Memorial Gardens in Waipahu, Hawaii (Courtesy My Very Own Point of View)

NEW YORK – Amid questions about the authenticity of Obama's posted birth records raised by the registration number, a researcher has discovered a possible explanation.

The Post and Email blog, which has focused on the Obama eligibility controversy, features a report by an unnamed researcher who discovered the record of a girl born the same day as the president who died a day later that could have been the source of Obama's birth certificate.

The find is significant because of questions about the plausibility of the registration number indicated on the images of short-form and long-form birth certificates for the president posted on the Internet.

As WND reported, the numbers on the published Hawaii birth certificates of twins Susan and Gretchen Nordyke are lower than the number given Obama, even though the president's birth certificate was accepted by the registrar general and stamped with a certificate number three days earlier. Further, as WND reported yesterday, an article by the man who was Hawaii's registrar general at the time Obama was born confirmed birth certificates were numbered immediately upon acceptance by the registrar general.

Jerome Corsi's new book,  "Where's the Birth Certificate?", is now available for immediate shipping, autographed by the author, only from the WND Superstore

The researcher found documentation for Virginia Sunahara's birth on the morning of Aug. 4, 1961, at Wahiawa General Hospital in Wahiawa, Oahu. She was the daughter of Hawaii-born Tomio Sunahara, a postal clerk of Japanese ancestry who fought for the U.S. in World War II, and his wife, Clara.

The infant developed complications and most likely was transferred to Kapi'olani Women and Children's Medical Center in Honolulu, although the hospital could have been Queens Medical Center. She died on Aug. 5, 1961.

WND contacted Virginia's mother Clara, 83, who is living in Wahiawa on Oahu.

Clara told WND by telephone she did not have Virginia's birth certificate and she was not interested in applying to the Hawaii Department of Health to see what birth records might be on file regarding her daughter.

The researchers reported that newly born Virginia Sunahara was transferred to a Honolulu hospital from Wahiawa General Hospital because she was having trouble breathing. The Honolulu hospitals were considered to have better equipment to deal with neonatal birth complications.

Virginia Sunahara's vital records have been located in the Hawaii birth and death records, as shown here:


Hawaii Department of Health Birth Index, Honolulu, Hawaii

And here:


Hawaii Department of Health Death Index, Honolulu, Hawaii

No birth announcement appeared for Virginia Sunahara in either Honolulu newspaper.

A death announcement for the girl, under the name of her father, Tomio Sunahara, appeared in the Honolulu Star Advertiser on Aug. 8, 1961, and in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin on Aug. 14, 1961.

The researchers who discovered Virginia Sunahara's birth record speculated that at the time of her death, her parents had not yet selected her name.

The timing of the newspaper death notice may have resulted from the fact that Hawaii law requires the registration of a death within three days and the registration of a birth within seven days.

The researchers further speculated that by the time the birth certificate was submitted by the hospital to the local registrar at the Hawaii Department of Health, Clara and Tomio had decided on the name Virginia, and the Department of Health updated its records accordingly.

This would explain why the newspaper death announcements listed the name as Tomiyo Sunahara, while the official Hawaii death records list the child's name as Virginia.

With an Aug. 4, 1961, birthdate, it's possible Virginia Sunahara's birth registration was filed as late as Aug. 11, 1961 – the same day the Nordyke twins' birth certificates were filed by Kapi'olani hospital with the Hawaii Department of Health local registrar and registrar general.

Susan Nordyke, the twin born first, received birth certificate number 10637; Gretchen Nordyke, the second, received number 10638.

Barack Obama's birth certificate was issued the number 10641, even though it was registered three days before the Nordykes' certificates.

However, if the birth certificate number 10641 was first assigned to Virginia Sunahara, the apparent conflict could be explained.

Is it possible that if Obama's birth records were forged, the perpetrator used Virginia Sunahara's birth certificate number, knowing the girl was long dead and the family was unlikely to know or complain?

Virginia Sunahara was initially buried Sept. 28, 1961, at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific, also known as the Punchbowl, at 2177 Puowaina Drive in Honolulu, in Section U Site 966-F.

Her father died March 26, 1968, and Virginia was disinterred and re-buried alongside her father's cremated remains at Mililani Memorial Park in Waipahu in October 1968.

May 1o7, 2011