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Coulter: More gutsy calls from Obama!


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More gutsy calls from Obama!


Obama has been making "gutsy calls" all over the place!

In full campaign mode, he's been deploying his administrative agencies to do favors for his big contributors, to the detriment of ordinary Americans.

Last week, Obama made the gutsy call to threaten public schools that are asking students for proof of residency. The memorandum warned school districts that it's illegal to ask students for proof of citizenship or legal residency status.

Obama's wealthy donors need illegals so they can get cheap nannies, cooks and pool boys.

On the other hand, illegals being paid off the books are not helping Americans find jobs.

According to a May 4, 2011, report from the (liberal) Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, 76 percent of "hard-pressed Democrats" - defined as "religious, financially struggling" - agree with the statement: "Immigrants today ... are a burden on our country because they take our jobs, housing and health care."

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As Kausfiles observes, maybe financially struggling Democrats believe immigrants "take our jobs" because, in fact, they do.

Whose side is Obama on?

Forget the grand arguments about whether illegals are hard workers and are a net plus to the beautiful American mosaic. We have skyrocketing unemployment. Our citizens are in distress. Now is not the time to be putting another anvil around the American worker's neck.

Also last week, an immigration judge made the gutsy call to disregard the federal Defense of Marriage Act - passed overwhelmingly by Congress and signed into law by President Clinton - and allow an illegal alien to stay in this country based on his "marriage" to another man. He based his ruling on the gutsy decision of Obama's attorney general to challenge the ordered deportation of another illegal alien just days earlier, citing the alien's gay marriage to an American.

Read Coulter's entire column now at WND.