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Rebecca Campbell

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Whatever these reasons are for so relentlessly pushing this front page story in the NWO's corporate-controlled media, it is definitely a calculated distraction to at least the US mass mind!  

Possible reasons are:

1)  Birther assertions of hoaxed Obama birth certificate were hitting too close to home for certain NWO factions;

2)  The narrowly averted airline "accident" that Michelle Obama's plane had in Maryland two weeks ago, which may have been a warning to the president to keep in line with his NWO handlers' agenda;

3)  To bury the NWO's ongoing geobiocide throughout the world, particularly in Fukushima, the Gulf of Mexico and now possibly -- with the US Army Corps of Engineers' planned demolition of a key levee on an earthquake fault between the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers in Missouri accompanied by a FEMA/military "disaster "drill" -- on the unstable New Madrid fault;

4) To forcefully trigger mass mind control implanted in the US populace concerning 9/11, especially during its tenth anniversary year; and last but certainly not least,

5)  The scheduled three-hour appearance of Dr. Judy Wood on Coast to Coast AM, America's most-accessed radio show, on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning at 1 AM EDT/10 PM PDT, during which Dr. Wood will be presenting copious scientific evidence that above top secret Tesla-based electromagnetic beam weapons were likely used to vaporize the Twin Towers on 9/11. 

    This opens a Pandora's box for the NWO, the Mossad, MI6, the US government/military and those in the orthodox 9/11 "truth" movement who have for the past several years aggressively attempted to deny Dr. Woods' right to publicly present her work.


Campbell Rebecca


May 2, 2011