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'I do not have time for this silliness'

Joseph Farah

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That's what Barack Obama told the nation over the weekend.

"I do not have time for this silliness."

The "silliness" he was talking about is the question of his own eligibility for the presidency.

Yet, there he was Saturday night at the White House Correspondents Association Dinner spending more time in a soliloquy about just that issue.

Which is it? Does he have time for it? Or doesn't he? Does he have time to prepare and deliver remarks about the controversy? Or doesn't he? Does he have time to obsess over it? Or doesn't he? Or is it a matter of time at all?

Perhaps what Obama really means is that he doesn't have time to be responsive to the continuing concerns about this pressing constitutional and public confidence issue. Perhaps what he means is that he doesn't enjoy being held accountable to the people and the rule of law. Perhaps what he means is that he sees this issue becoming a political liability for him. Perhaps what he means is that he doesn't enjoy being held to the same standards as other Americans.

He surely doesn't mean that he evaded his responsibility to the law and the will of the people for two-and-a-half years because of a lack of time.

Once Obama determined to release the document last week, it took Obama a matter of days to secure what he and his supporters claimed alternatively wasn't available, wasn't relevant, wasn't necessary, didn't exist or had already been released.

On top of that, the document was released last week in a form that makes forensics-style validation of it nearly impossible. But that didn't stop his supporters and a negligent media from proclaiming it the nail in the coffin of the eligibility debate they have failed to report since he became a candidate for the office of the presidency.

In any case, Obama has only himself to blame for the controversy. After promising to conduct the most open and transparent administration in American history, he soon made it clear that any documents about his life were off limits – including his travel records, adoption records, school records, college and university records, citizenship records, health records and so on.

Then he and his supporters resorted to the last refuge of scoundrels by accusing skeptical Americans of being "racist" for asking of him what his predecessors and his competitors for the office have routinely disclosed to the public.

Now what?

Is the case closed?

Has Obama provided the smoking-gun evidence needed to settle the issue of eligibility once and for all?

Not by a long shot.

As I have said since the day the document was released, if valid, which remains to be determined, it raises more questions than it answers. Among them:

  • How can a father who is a visiting student confer "natural born citizenship" on a child?
  • Why wasn't his birth certificate amended when he was adopted, as his life story and family members state?
  • What would it mean legally and constitutionally if Obama were adopted in Indonesia by an Indonesian father?
  • What would it mean if Obama had become a citizen of Indonesia with that adoption?
  • Did Obama ever change citizenship?
  • Did he ever become naturalized as an American citizen?
  • Did he attend college as a visiting foreign student?
  • Did he receive foreign funds to attend college or university as a visiting foreign student?
  • Given that the Founding Fathers were concerned about dual allegiances, or the appearance of dual allegiances, how could a man with two foreign fathers reasonably be considered a "natural born citizen"?

And, of course, the $2 million question, which has still not been answered amid widespread public concern: Is the document he released last week even a valid, certified representation of his actual birth? If it is, what took so long handing it over? Why the delay? Why the stonewalling? Why the mystery? Why the cat-and-mouse game?

I believe the preponderance of evidence – along with Obama's accompanying teeth-pulling act – strongly suggest he is not constitutionally eligible to serve. I further believe the country will become engulfed in a whole new debate on this controversy in less than two weeks with the release of "Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case That Obama Is Not Eligible to Be President," the best-selling book by Jerome Corsi.

Obama is not past this scandal. And the only "silliness" is his own lack of candor and forthrightness about it. Obviously he's not done talking about it – and neither is the rest of the nation.

Joseph Farah is founder, editor and CEO of WND and a nationally syndicated columnist with Creators Syndicate. He is the author or co-author of 13 books, including his latest, "The Tea Party Manifesto: A Vision for an American Rebirth," and his classic, "Taking America Back: A Radical Plan to Revive Freedom, Morality and Justice," now in its third edition and 14 printings. Farah is the former editor of the legendary Sacramento Union and other major-market daily newspapers.

May 1, 2011