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Hawaii slams door on birth certificates

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2 days before Trump questions, no problem getting long-form document. Today, no way

With billionaire and possible GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump ratcheting interest in Barack Obama's Hawaiian birth documentation to its highest level ever, the State of Hawaii is suddenly enforcing a policy that no one – not even the president of the United States – can obtain a copy of his own birth certificate from the state's Department of Health.

Although the policy of denying the public access to copies of long-form original hospital birth certificates was announced in 2001, it wasn't enforced for years. But with Trump's recent pointed questioning of the circumstances of Obama's birth – and whether he was even born in America – Hawaii officials have apparently determined that the long-overlooked state procedure now requires enforcement.

On March 17 the wealthy real estate entrepreneur told ABC's "Good Morning America" Obama's refusal to provide what is routine information about his life was "very strange."

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Since then, Trump has been on a talk show tour suggesting he might run for president in 2012 and saying if Obama is not eligible, it's one of the biggest hoaxes ever. He even suggested the 44th president's tenure in the White House could be "illegal."

The controversy points directly back to the state of Hawaii, where officials previously have maintained they have viewed Obama's birth "records," but have steadfastly refused to disclose what they say or even in what form those records exist. Nor has Obama been willing to seek the information and release it himself; in fact, he's dispatched both private and tax-paid attorneys to fend off dozens of court cases across the country to make certain his records are kept secret.

In 2001, the Hawaii Department of Health's chief at the time, Bruce Anderson, announced, "The Department of Health will henceforth issue and provide only computer-generated abstracts of birth and marriage records and cease to produce photocopies of actual records…"


The president's supporters repeatedly have cited that policy as the reason why no other records of Obama's birth can be released but a computer-generated "Certification of Live Birth" document that was posted on the Internet during the 2008 campaign.

State officials also have cited the policy change as the reason they cannot release Obama's original long-form birth documentation, even though their own law specifies that the "department of health shall, upon request, furnish to any applicant a certified copy of any certificate, or the contents of any certificate, or any part thereof."

The Post & Email blog suggests the policy, on its face, violates the state law. In any case, it was not followed for years, as confirmed by the testimony of many individuals who obtained their own original birth certificate records from the department.