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CPAC dumps director who ridiculed eligibility issue


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Last year birth certificate was a joke, this year group raises money on it

WASHINGTON – The staff director of the nation's largest annual gathering of conservatives was dismissed by the American Conservative Union today, a year after publicly embracing the homosexual activist group GOProud and ridiculing those suggesting Barack Obama had not proven his constitutional eligibility to serve as president.

In a board meeting, the ACU, the host of the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, voted to replace Lisa De Pasquale as executive director of the event. Earlier this year, following the CPAC meeting in February, ACU Chairman David Keene was replaced by Washington lobbyist Al Cardenas.

The acceptance of GOProud as a participating sponsor of CPAC led to major controversy within conservative ranks, with many previous sponsors, including the Heritage Foundation, Family Research Council, Concerned Women of America and American Family Association, deciding to pull their sponsorship in 2011.

But it is on the eligibility issue that the ACU has made its most dramatic turnaround. Last year, after receiving a private email from WND’s Joseph Farah, offering to organize a panel on the eligibility issue for CPAC, De Pasquale never responded – except publicly in the Los Angeles Times where she scoffed at the request.

“Farah asked if he could speak on the issue (birther movement), but that isn't something we're interested in,” she told the paper. “It would fill a room. But so would a two-headed monkey. There really are so many more important issues, and it's only a three-day conference."

This year, however, as WND previously reported, ACU is using the popularity of the eligibility issue as a fundraising vehicle. The group is now soliciting funds for a national advertising campaign based on the theme that Obama is not eligible to be president.

The key argument of the ACU solicitation is that Obama is ineligible to be president because he was adopted by his stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, and, as a consequence, became a citizen of Indonesia when he lived as a child in Indonesia for four years with his mother and his stepfather.

The script tells potential donors the funds will be used to place national ads to expose the true legal identity of "Barry Soetoro Obama" under the assumption that by becoming a citizen of Indonesia when his stepfather adopted him, Obama compromised his "natural born Citizen" status, a requirement for presidents under Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution.

The script of the solicitation asks for donations to permit the ACU to launch a national advertising campaign designed to expose the unconstitutional assumption of the presidency by Obama.

"What a difference a year makes," said Farah. "I knew there would be changes at CPAC as a result of the staff and officer shuffle, but I didn't realize just how fast and furious they would come."

Farah said he recently met with Cardenas, who assured him the eligibility issue would be taken seriously at future CPAC meetings.

April 18, 2011