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Exclusive to Newsmax: Donald Trump's Birth Certificate


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“It took me one hour to get my birth certificate. It’s inconceivable that, after four years of questioning,  the president still hasn’t produced his birth certificate. I’m just asking President Obama to show the public his birth certificate. Why’s he making an issue out of this?"

Trump was skeptical that so few people have stepped forward to verify Obama's birth.

"I went to the best college and I was a great student, and it is inconceivable to my brain that no doctor, no nurse, nobody has stepped forward to verify the birth, other than the governor. He remembers? The governor? A birth 50 years ago? Come on. He’s taking a bullet for his party."

He said other presidents have produced these documents without any hesitation. 

"Ronald Reagan, George Bush have produced their birth certificates. Why doesn’t Obama?"

Trump added that the local newspaper ad announcing Obama’s birth also strikes him as odd.

“Someone takes an ad out in the paper announcing his birth days later? How many people do you know who take an ad out in the paper to announce a birth, and then won’t show anyone the birth certificate?”

The document released to Newsmax is below. It shows that Trump was born in New York, June 14, 1946.


Trump has been the latest voice to call for President Obama to release his birth certificate, a source of controversy to some Americans who remain unconvinced that Obama was born in the United States. The president has released a "Certificate of Live Birth" showing he was born in Hawaii, but a more detailed birth certificate has not been made public.

Trump appeared on "The View" last week and found it "insulting" that co-host Whoopi Goldberg intimated that racism was behind the birth-certificate issue. Goldberg said that no white president had ever been asked to produce a birth certificate.

“The fact is they asked John McCain for his birth certificate,” Trump told Fox today. “They’ve asked others for their birth certificate. They asked Bush for his birth certificate, by the way, I just found out over the weekend. And they would ask me for my birth certificate."

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March 28, 2011