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Radioactive Questions for Barack Obama

Capt. Eric H. May, Intelligence Ediro The Lone Star Iconoclast

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We request that CIA, FBI and Army contact The Lone Star Iconoclast with details about this irregular and unsettling exercise:

Army, CIA, Canadians to train at Fort Leavenworth

"Army officials are preparing to conduct what they say is a rare training event involving the U.S. military, the CIA, Canadian officers and other government agencies. The Joint Intermediate Staff Planning Exercise will be held March 21-25 at Fort Leavenworth's Lewis and Clark Center, home of the Army Command and General Staff College. The weeklong event is designed to encourage participants to confront the challenges and uncertainties of joint, interagency and multinational operations. Besides the CIA, agencies taking part include the U.S. treasury and state departments, U.S. Agency for International Development, the Defense Threat Readiness Agency and the International Red Cross. Officers from the Canadian Forces College will represent their nation."

Radioactive Questions for Obama:

  1. The Barack Obama Administration announced the exercise on Tuesday, 3/8/11, a day after continuing Guantanamo Bay. By the end of the week Barack Obama himself would defend the military's sexual humiliation of U.S. citizen Bradley Manning, then fire State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley for saying the abuse was "ridiculous counterproductive and stupid." Is the CIA teaching detention techniques at the exercise, and if not, why are they involved?
  2. The exercise was announced a day before the first of Japan's two unusual earthquakes, which occurred on Wednesday, 3/9/11. Did BO and/or the BOA have advanced knowledge of the 3/9 or 3/11 quakes?
  3. The Japanese and Australian governments were both running national-level catastrophe exercises when the Christchurch and Fukushima catastrophes occurred.  Did these governments have foreknowledge of their quakes?
  4. You are conducting a national-level exercise in May, the scenario of which includes a catastrophic earthquake in the U.S. New Madrid fault zone. Are you expecting a U.S. earthquake?
  5. Radioactive fallout from Japan reached the West Coast over the weekend. Is there radioactive fallout in the exercise scenario?
  6. As ABC reported, under JFK the Joint Chiefs of Staff prepared Operation Northwoods as a terror operation against the American people, to be blamed on Cuba to start a war with Cuba. Over the weekend NATO went to war with to Libya, as special U.S. ally Israel continues for a U.S. war on Iran. Do you teach exercise participants about Operation Northwoods, and if no, why not?
  7. Exactly what is the exercise scenario and who exactly is participating -- is Israel?


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Article Graphic: 3/22/11, RED PILL ART, 311 = 322,


March 22, 2011