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Obama truly is the deceiver in chief ...


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These 3 bestselling books provide the complete picture

of the man who took office 2 years ago – get them signed by authors!

An event that took place Jan. 20, 2009, will continue to shape America's destiny for decades.

Today marks the second anniversary of the date Barack Obama assumed the office of the presidency – legitimately or illegitimately, for better or worse.

These three books -- "The Manchurian President, "The Obama Nation" and "The Audacity of Deceit" – warned America of what was to come.

Not everyone listened.

Not everyone read the warnings. The good news is that it is not too late! These books will help you understand Obama's agenda so that you can be prepared to defend yourself and your freedoms!

The Manchurian President

Tens of millions of Americans sense there is something very wrong with the president of the United States, but they don't know exactly what. "The Manchurian President" answers that question. In writing this exhaustively researched book – which is thoroughly documented with over 800 endnotes – Aaron Klein, with Brenda J. Elliott, definitively exposes just how dangerous Barack Obama really is as America's president and commander in chief. Among the book's chilling findings:

  • Obama's deep ties to an anti-American fringe nexus instrumental in building his political career, some members of which are helping draft White House policy
  • Obama's extensive connections to ACORN and its union affiliate, including much new information not previously documented elsewhere
  • Extremists exposed in the White House, including top czars and communist-linked Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod
  • Obama's healthcare policy pushed and crafted by extremists
  • Obama’s deep association with the Nation of Islam
  • Obama's ties to terrorist Bill Ayers much more extensive than ever previously disclosed

About the Authors

Aaron Klein is an American journalist, author and radio host. He serves as senior investigative reporter and Jerusalem bureau chief for online news giant and is a columnist for the Jewish Press. Known for his regular appearances on top U.S. radio talk shows and television news broadcasts, especially Fox News, Klein is also the author of "Schmoozing with Terrorists" and "The Late Great State of Israel." Klein currently hosts his own program on WABC, the nation's largest talk radio station.

Brenda J. Elliott is a historian and author known for her dogged blogging during the 2008 presidential election about Tony Rezko, William Ayers and other criminals in Obama's clique of cronies.

In "The Audacity of Deceit" you’ll learn how Obama:

  • Blocked emergency medical aid for babies who survived abortion.
  • Plans to ban the use of firearms by law-abiding citizens—even for self-defense.
  • Was abandoned by his bigamist father and raised in a Muslim society—and

    how this influences his values.

  • Would raise tax rates to a Hoover-like 60 percent.
  • Will transform the U.S. Treasury into the United Nations’ ATM.
  • Wants fuel prices high and farmland taken out of production.
  • Will grant federal medical insurance to 12 million illegal aliens and increase

    emergency room costs alone by $15.4 billion annually.

  • Would transfer child-rearing from parents to the federal government with his

    secular “0 to 5” program.

You will also read exclusive polling results that reveal the 30 percent of Americans who pay no taxes, what they believe, and who they are planning to vote for.

His goal? Replace the Judeo-Christian values that gave birth to the “land of the free” with failed radical leftist beliefs.

Brad O'Leary's counterpart to Obama's own "The Audacity of Hope" is as relevant today as they day it was published in 2008.

The Obama Nation

In this thoroughly researched and documented book, Dr. Jerome Corsi, the No. 1 New York Times bestselling co-author of "Unfit for Command" and senior staff reporter for WND explains why the extreme leftism of an Obama presidency would leave the United States weakened, diminished and divided, and why Obama must be defeated -- and how he can be.

By tracing Obama's career and influences from his early years in Hawaii and Indonesia, the beginnings of his political career in Chicago, his voting record in the Illinois Legislature, his religious training, his religious conversion through his recent involvement in Kenyan politics, his political advisers and fund-raising associates and his meteoric campaign for president, Jerome Corsi shows that an Obama presidency would, in his words, be "a repeat of the failed extremist politics that have characterized and plagued Democratic Party politics since the late 1960s."

Corsi examines:

  • Obama's extensive connections with Islam and radical politics.
  • His 20-year religious affiliation with the black-liberation theology of Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
  • Obama's continuing connections with Kenya.
  • Obama's involvement in the slum-landlord empire of Chicago political fixer Tony Rezko.
  • Obama's far-left domestic policy.
  • Obama's anti-war, anti-nuclear foreign policy.

Soon after Obama was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2004, Corsi began investigating Obama's personal and political background. This book, with more than 600 footnotes, is the result.

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