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'Yes We Can' rally seeks Obama's resignation

Bob Unruh - WND

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Ticked off at Obamacare? Does your bank account still reflect the government takeovers of Wall Street or the automobile companies? Do you have fundamental moral objections to the president's promotions of abortion and homosexuality? Aghast that the president has bowed to foreign rulers, including the king of Saudi Arabia?

Whatever your concerns about the current White House policies for the United States, there's a rally going on for you Saturday at noon at the west front of the U.S. Capitol assembled by a lifelong Democrat who is suggesting one solution for all of these problems.

Obama's resignation.

"This is the most important rally in history as Obama is an imposter, a fraud, a phony and Obama has put forth the greatest 'hoax' in the history of our country, over 234 years," said Philip Berg, who runs the website and was the first to sue over allegations Obama is ineligible to occupy the Oval Office.

"This is an invitation to all individuals, no matter what your political party is or what group, Democrats, Republicans, Independents and/or tea party individuals to join with me … for a rally to demand Obama/Soetoro prove he is 'constitutionally eligible' to be president," he said.

"And if not, demand that Obama/Soetoro resign from office."

Berg has been discussing his hopes lately, including an appearance this week on the G. Gordon Liddy radio show.

"I am a lifelong Democrat. I ran for U.S. Senate and governor in Democratic primaries in Pennsylvania," Berg said. "That blows the theory that this is a right wing conspiracy.

"Obama/Soetoro is laughing at us; he knows he is an imposter, a fraud, a phony," he said. He said the rally – and his organization – are to serve as umbrellas for all of those Americans who are alarmed over the issues that have developed: health care, taxation, Society Security, the wars.

"The issue to remove Obama/Soetoro is that he is a 'usurper' – and 'imposter' – together 'We The People' can unite with a huge peaceful revolution rally and demand that Obama/Soetoro resign," he said.

Berg's initial emergency appeals to the U.S. Supreme Court when Obama first took office, like those of a number of other attorneys, were not accepted by the panel. He has one case pending, and it is being prepared for presentation to the high court now.

It alleges that, based on Obama's status as a student in Indonesia and the complete absence of documentation that he ever returned to the U.S. as a citizen, it is unlikely he is a "natural born citizen" as the Constitution requires of the president. Obama was registered in school as an Indonesian Muslim by his stepfather, Lolo Soetoro.

Berg's case alleges further that without documentation that Obama preserved or regained his U.S. citizenship after be registered as an Indonesian as a student at school, he may not even be a "naturalized" citizen.

"Therefore, his term as a U.S. senator was a fraud. His salary and benefits should be returned to the U.S.," he told WND.

He says that if it weren't for the U.S. media, Obama would already have been exposed and removed from office.

"The media gave him a free ride," he said.

"I'm hoping we can bring to the attention to the national media and the Congress the seriousness of this. The positive result I would like to see is that if the national media would cover this and Congress would pay attention, we could force Obama out of office," Berg said.

He said those who come to the rally are being asked to bring a copy of their own birth certificates. He described the assembly as a "Yes, We Can" event to empower the people to once again make determinations about their nation's future.

The problems with the issues Obama has addressed and the campaigns he's launched are important, Berg said.

"However, the most important issue is Obama not being 'constitutionally eligible' to be president," he said.

Berg's is not the only one who has challenged Obama's residency in the White House. A case is developing involving Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, who has questioned the legitimacy of the orders in the U.S. military under a president whose eligibility is under question.

Another case being handled by California attorneys Gary Kreep of the United States Justice Foundation and Orly Taitz is on behalf of another presidential candidate and challenges Obama's inclusion on the ballot.

Yet another claims Congress failed to perform its constitutional obligations to investigate Obama.

There's even been a series of discussions about impeachment.

Oct. 21, 2010