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Obama Birth Announcement Forged

Jon Carlson

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By Jon Carlson



Investigator Jorge Baro reports (source):


The Linotype typesetting machince circa 1961 was a great advancement over the previous individual setting of type. Lines were set in lead alloy slugs that were pushed together in a frame to form columns.


This close-up of the Advertiser ad shows grossly different type font. Columns vary in width with laughable alignment:


This close-up from the Star-Bulletin ad shows similar faults:


This closeup shows the use of Senior (Sr.) to describe two fathers. Missing above and elsewhere is the Senior (Sr.) for Barack H. Obama in both ads.


This closeup emphasizes the gross misalignment in the Advertiser ad. The use of middle initial for all names and the insertion of ads within the Births lists is unusual.


This comparison of alleged Obama ads show SIMILAR TYPE FONT indicating that the same Linotype typesetting machine was used to forge both ads. Can you say C-I-A?

It will be a real surprise if Hawaii has a legitimate August 4, 1961 Barack Hussain Obama, Jr. Birth Certificate.


Obama Sister Forged

Maya Soetoro is alleged to be Obama's half-sister but clearly there is no resemblance whatsoever. The round face, full figure, quality hair, pretty ears,and nice smile of Maya compares unfavorablely with the pear face, skinny body, poor quality hair, Dumbo ears, and horrible smile of Obama. Whereever you look there is no similarity. So far Maya has produced NO FAMILY PHOTOS showing herself with her mother, allegedly Stanley Ann Dunham, Stanley Ann Obama, Stanley Ann Soetoro OR WITH YOU KNOW WHO? To her credit she can speak without a teleprompter in front of her! Also no cocaine use, heavy smoking, homosexual acts, lying... (Well, maybe some lying.)


Obama Mother Forged

Investigator Andy Martin headed a team of investigators to Hawaii to discover that Frank Marshall Davis was Obama's real Daddy such as in Frank Marshall Davis, Jr. The Black Davis already married to a white Chicago 'socialite' with 5 kids passed on Junior. Somewhere there is a white woman who fell for Davis's bullshit. The Hawaii vault birth certificate has her name. Knowing Black fathers Davis probably passed on signing it making the first BASTARD U. S. President. In an out-of-wedlock birth although Davis was a US citizen the mother's nationality and citizenship is passed on to her child. Our investigation indicates that 'Obama' is older than he claims so the possibility exists that he was born in Hawaii before Statehood in August, 1959 making him UNNATURAL BORN on that score alone.

It doesn't compute that the missing white woman was Stanley Ann Dunham, resident of Washington on August 4, 1961, at age 17 not a likely object of the sexual appetite of the 56 year old Davis.

Clearly the ugly 'Obama' doesn't resemble anyone, not even Davis, as they threw away the key when he was made. So with that in mind compare below Stanley Ann, sweet child, and the Devil's horrible creation, 'Obama'.


The Nazi New York Times Shopper (FORGED ALSO) ran a series of photos they claim was Stanley Ann Dunham in faraway places. Clearly different faces and hair (and bodies). View the rest of our 'Obama' investigation including, of course, a collection of sunglass photos:

9/11 Ringleaders Execute Brilliant

German Spy Plot: ALIEN OBAMA


United States President Forged

Rush Limbaugh shows Obama stumbles without his notes

Rush explains: "I've constantly noted, ladies and gentlemen, you take the prompter and the written speeches away from Barack Obama, and you have nothing. You have nothing like the guy with the soaring rhetoric and the inspiring and sermon-like quality," he said. Limbaugh said Obama's speech in Bristol, Va., just last week was interrupted by the candidate's apparent inability to keep his thoughts in order. You would have had people all over the country saying, 'Gosh, can't we get a guy that can talk? Can't we get a guy who can put two thoughts together?

Obama's safety net: the TelePrompter

By Carol Lee

President Barack Obama doesn’t go anywhere without his TelePrompter.

Obama has relied on a teleprompter through even the shortest announcements and when repeating the same lines on his economic stimulus plan that he's been saying for months — whereas past presidents have mostly worked off of notes on the podium except during major speeches, such as the State of the Union.

Resting on top of a tall, narrow pole, they flank his podium during speeches in the White House’s stately parlors. They stood next to him on the floor of a manufacturing plant in Indiana as he pitched his economic stimulus plan. They traveled to the Department of Transportation this week and were in the Capitol Rotunda last month when he paid tribute to Abraham Lincoln in six-minute prepared remarks.


Obama's Father: The Real McCoy



With most American 'journalists' wearing a yellow streak down their backs and ALL American newspapers becoming Shoppers, turn to the women writers that have taken over American journalism:

The Fed Did Indeed Cause the Housing Bubble

By Catherine Fitts


By Devvy Kidd Updates Obama court cases.

By Attorney Orly Taitz

National Conference on Barack Obama's Missing Birth Certificate and College Records: April 3-4, Washington, DC. Andy Martin will sift through the Obama Eligibility court cases. Keep up on Andy's good fight:

Of course, DON'T MISS 9/11 photos and analysis:

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