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Steve Quayle ALERT

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Aug. 11, 2014

This letter informed me that as of Jan 1 2015 all trucks will be REQUIRED to obtain a new registration. This new registration will have a total of "59 states", including Canada and Mexico.

Steve, the other day I received a letter from the US dot, IRP division. This letter informed me that as of Jan 1 2015 all trucks will be REQUIRED to obtain a new registration. This new registration will have a total of "59 states", including Canada and Mexico. It is required not optional. We will no longer be able to choose our operational area. They just created the north American union. This comes on the heels of a regulation change that required us to "declare" our intent to operate as interstate or intrastate or have our drivers license suspended.

As truckers, we see a lot of whats going on firsthand and are exposed to these type changes first, always.

Time is very short my friend.