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The New York Stock Exchange Goes Global

By Joan M. Veon

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so already? I was hoping and praying, decreeing, cutting us free from the Federal Reserve system with Archangel Michael's sword, passing out informational booklets on our privately owned banking system, its agent the IRS, and its privately owned secret/inner government through which our cultural/institutional/economic world is controlled, through the late 80's and 90's, rooting for implementation of NESARA, order to educate, avert the seemingly worst of what has occurred, replace with fair and equitable economic system, help create and sustain world peace and abundance for all, a world in which one's talents in God are valued......wake up people to their inner relationship with God and come out of the mass (Luciferian) hypnotism,.........Patrick, how bad does it have to get before enough mass wakes up? So I guess it's naive of me to expect that everyone who is still embodied will make it, but how about the so-called remnant? How do I and other Lightworkers sustain in a system like this continues to be? I had enough trouble in the mid-60s choosing right livlihood for me in a profession that was not contaminated by the arch deceiver's agenda.....none are free....and, of course, even that much less free today.......what does an aware person do to make a living and/or sustain herself.......without marching to the (Luciferian) drummer? Thank you, Dear Patrick, for being here with us, and your family too, ......Infinite Blessings....Joy Hunt

Overview of how world banking system has been all set up and is continuing to evolve to this day.....for yet greater control of the multitudes... Peace, Joy

very interesting 'accounting'....



Joan M. Veon

On Wednesday the New York Stock Exchange world's biggest stock

exchange founded 213 years ago will go public. Its goal is to build a

war chest in order to buy up other stock exchanges around the world.

These actions herald a new phase in the new world order.

With stock exchanges around the world going public, it is the New York

Stock Exchange that is the last of the private non-profit companies to

offer shares to the public. You can imagine that if all the exchanges in

the world are listed companies, then the mergers and acquisitions that are

common among other stocks will also be part of the stock exchange empire.

Can you imagine the NYX, as the new public company will be called, buying

the Euronext and/or the London Stock Exchange? Talk about power! This is a

parallel to the central banking power that now runs the global banking


Furthermore, within the last eleven years, the coming of a global stock

exchange will compliment an evolving global currency and global tax. For

those who say world government is far off, you had better point them in

this direction. In order to understand what Wednesday really means, let us

review structures that have been put in place that compliment a global

stock exchange.

When Andrew Jackson was elected President in 1828 he announced in his

first message that he would not renew the charter of America's first

central bank. He ended up vetoing the law Congress passed to re-charter

the Bank. Jackson pointed out that the bank's stock, valued at $8 million,

was held by foreigners--chiefly in Britain. His concern was that a

majority of shares of its stock might fall into alien hands, which if we

were involved in a war, could use its influence against the United States.

In 1913, the question of a central bank came up again. The people involved

in this effort included some of the wealthiest people in America: Senator

Nelson Aldrich (grandfather of David Rockefeller); Jacob Schiff and Paul

Warburg of Kuhn, Loeb and Company, an international banking house; Piatt

Andrew, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury; Henry P. Davidson, Senior

Partner of J.P. Morgan & Company; Charles D. Norton, and Frank Vanderlip,

President of National City Bank which today is CitiGroup. The passage of

the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was done through chicanery. Those in the

Senate who favored the Act did not go home while those that were against

it went home for Christmas. In a special session convened with quorum, the

Act passed at 11:45 p.m. on December 24, 1913.

With the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, our monetary system changed

back to one of control by a private corporation and not the U.S. Treasury.

Our currency now says, "Federal Reserve Note". Earlier in the day on

December 24, 1913, Congressman Charles A. Lindberg, Jr. stated from the

House floor: "This Act established the most gigantic trust on earth. When

the President signs this bill, the invisible government by the Monetary

Power will be legalized. The worst legislative crime of the ages is

perpetrated by this banking bill." We should note that President Woodrow

Wilson could have vetoed this bill like Andrew Jackson did, but he was put

in power by the same powers that passed the bill.

Since 1913, the Federal Reserve has evolved into a very powerful entity

globally. The Federal Reserve Act has been amended over 195 times with

greater empowerments in the last ten years that have included more types

of discount window loans. The discount window is where banks borrow from

the Fed overnight to maintain their stated level of capitalization. The

Fed now accepts for collateral: Treasury and federal agency securities,

gold certificates, Special Drawing Rights, foreign currencies, and

discount window loans made under Section 13 of the Federal Reserve Act.

What this means is that as the indebtedness of America grows, the Fed is

willing to take more types of collateral to secure their loans to the


As a result of the Asian Crisis in 1997-1998, the Group of Seven finance

ministers, under the direction of President Bill Clinton and then Treasury

Secretary Robert Rubin invited the central bank ministers of the G7

countries to join them in their discussions. Since 1998, it is both the G7

treasury secretaries and the central bank ministers who are directing the

global economy.

The role of central banking in the United States was seen after the crash

of the stock market in 1929. The Crash came about as a result of (1)

America reducing the gold content of the dollar by 40%, (2) Speculation in

the stock market, much of which was financed by credit, (3) Foreign

investors selling their stocks, and (4) the Federal Reserve taking money

out of the banking system which the Fed thought would stop the frenzy. In

other words, this private corporation used the same technique used to

burst the Nasdaq bubble seventy-two years later-they took money out of the

banking system which made the market drop.

The Fed or any central bank is able to create market highs or lows by the

amount of money they pump into the banking system (they buy U.S.

Treasuries, which puts money into the system) or by taking money out of

the banking system by selling U.S. Treasuries. When the Federal Reserve

took money out of the banking system, it caused the Depression. John

Maynard Keynes, a British socialist and economist, came over to advise

President Franklin Roosevelt. His solution was to go into debt in order to

stimulate the economy. President Roosevelt financed all of his New Deal

programs by borrowing money.

The legacy today of Roosevelt and Keynesian economics is that every level

of government is broke: local, county, state, and federal and every level

of government is selling assets in order to pay down debt. In the last

several years, the City of Chicago sold the Chicago Skyway, a toll road to

Spain's Grupo Ferrovial and to a unit of Australia's Macquarie Bank for

$1.8B. Since then other toll roads around the country are being sold. The

ports are part of the same equation.

When President Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected on his 'New Deal for the

American People' program, his first act as president on his inaugural,

March 4, 1933, was to declare a national bank holiday. For the next 8

days, banks were closed because of the number of people withdrawing their

savings in gold.

A little more than a month later, on April 20, Roosevelt passed the

Emergency Banking Act of 1933 which took America off the gold standard.

It put an end to the following: (1) Convertibility of notes into gold for

Americans but allowed foreign countries to convert their gold-backed

dollars at any time and (2) Private ownership of gold was made illegal

except if you were a rare gold coin collector. In essence the American

financial system was transferred from a standard of accountability which

used gold to guard against excess debt, to a system in which there is no

accountability. All a government has to do is print money. This opened the

door for the massive debt which is Keynesian economics at its finest: a

world in debt to a private group of bankers.

However, if you really want to control the monetary system of the world,

not only do you have to control the banking system, but you have to

devalue its money. It was President Nixon who severed any remaining ties

the dollar had to the gold standard in 1971. Between 1933 and 1971,

foreign countries that owned gold backed dollars were able to redeem them

for gold. However, when Nixon closed the "Gold Window", it changed the

monetary system of the world from one in which currency was gold-backed to

a paper system. Basically what Nixon did was to DEFAULT on millions of

dollars that those countries held in their vaults.

There is no other historic incident that can equate the financial

devastation that Nixon did when he took the dollar off the gold standard.

Never before in the 6,000 year history of trade, was a piece of paper being

used. During Biblical times and earlier, traders used animals, jewels,

expensive clothing, and gold and silver to trade. These all have TANGIBLE

value. Today, the world is on a fiat monetary system that has nothing of

value supporting it. The purchasing power can drop simply by government

printing more paper money! From what we can understand, this was the first

phase of changing the monetary system of the world.

The second phase was to internationalize it. In 1944, finance ministers

from over 40 countries of the world met in New Hampshire to set up

financial international institutions that would deal with a post-War

world: the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. Their objective was

to set in place global institutions that would facilitate the financial

and economic integration of the nation-states. That however was not the

immediate objective. Both of these institutions were set in place to

facilitate loans to help rebuild war-torn Europe. Today on a bi-annual

basis, finance ministers from 186 countries of the world meet to determine

the state of the world's finances. Both of these organizations have been

instrumental in 'harmonizing' financial growth around the world and

redistributing growth from strong countries to weaker countries. In fact,

the World Bank established the International Finance Corporation that has

established over 60 stock exchanges in third world countries.

From an economic standpoint, if you are going to put a global economic

infrastructure in place, it must also be political and encompass trade.

The United Nations was established in 1945 and the final piece of a global

trading system was birthed in 1994 when our Congress passed the 27,000

page General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs which established the World

Trade Organization. The purpose of which is to have a completely flat

trading system-no barriers of any kind. No longer does the American

farmer, accountant, manufacturer, or engineer compete with his competition

across town, but he now competes on a global playing field. Since

President Bush II has been in office, 2.7 million jobs have left the U.S.

Open borders supported by the World Trade Organization need for the

countries of the world to de-regulate laws that restrict where people can

invest. In 1980, during the Carter presidency, Congress passed the

Monetary De-Regulation Act of 1980. It impacted the U.S. in several ways:

First, it changed various federal laws as foreigners could now invest in

America and Americans could now invest outside the United States. These

changes led to the proliferation of foreign and global mutual funds,

global mergers and acquisitions between companies, and $2T in stateless

money running around the world daily looking for higher returns and a

quick currency play. Obviously the integration of investments and

corporations is part of making the world one and in changing its currency

from individual nation-state currencies to a global currency. Secondly, it

gave the Federal Reserve more power over the U.S. banking system.

At the 1995 Group of Seven meeting in Halifax, the heads of state and the

G7 finance ministers embarked on putting in place a 'new international

financial architecture'. It included a number of deep empowerments and

structural changes being made to the International Monetary Fund and the

World Bank in order to prepare it for a world without borders. The IMF has

the responsibilities which include "surveillance" of the world's banking

systems and the flow of monies worldwide. In addition, the IMF makes

available lines of credit for countries in trouble, our Congress

graciously made $18B available for this purpose. These changes were touted

by both Robert Rubin and his successor Larry Summers as necessary for the

21st century. This is all part and parcel of the evolving global stock


Of course, no take-over of the global economic infrastructure would be

possible without changing key laws. In 1999, Congress passed HR10 which

was the "Banking Modernization Act". It helped modernize our banking

system by repealing the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act which separated commercial

banking from investment banking. HR10 merged these two activities, thus

returning the stock market to pre-1929 times. In addition it provided for

foreign banks, insurance companies, and brokerage firms to buy American

banks, insurance companies, and brokerage firms.

So now if you are going to globalize the entire financial architecture,

you then need international accounting standards. Using Enron as an

exampled, former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker called for

international accounting standards. The fact that he is chairman of the

Board of the Trustees for the International Accounting Standards Committee

(IASC) which is located in London was very convenient! Now countries

around the world are converting to these new rules.

Getting "Joe Average" into the market was also necessary. By the end of

the 1990s, the highest number of Americans, 45%, owned stocks either

through a 401k, IRA, or personally. Today, the market has a psychological

affect on people. When it is up, people feel good and when it is down,

they are not happy. When Greenspan was Fed Chairman, the bottom line is

that "When Greenspan speaks, the markets listen".

Lastly, to facilitate a global financial architecture, you need

"a market-based democracy" - that is what Treasury Secretary John Snow

called it in February, 2004. He basically told the world that every market

is dependent on growth in another country and that we need to let market

forces work.

Secretary Snow was signaling the new MARKET BASED GOVERNANCE

SYSTEM in which the stock, bond, commodity, and currency markets now rule

the world. This change has been coming for some time and began with President

Reagan and the privatization or selling off of government assets that he

encouraged. Those assets, in some cases, went into the market. The World

Bank also developed the market by setting up stock exchanges in many

developing countries where there were none: China, Russia, Brazil, South

Africa, Ghana, Poland, etc. To help these countries have stock to trade on

their new exchange, they sold or privatized state owned assets: railroads,

banks, telephones in order to list them on their new exchange. According

to the World Bank, more than 80 countries are selling state-owned assets.

At one point in our banking history, banks held the loans they made as

part of their portfolio: mortgages, automobile loans, credit card loans,

and personal loans. Today, banks have sold them and transferred the risk

that they use to assume to the market (you and me). This technique is

called 'securitization.' What this means is that the market now is like

the kitchen sink-everything is in it: mortgages, auto loans, credit card

loans, home equity loans, stocks, bonds---everything and now stock


In 2002, based on remarks by Dr. Jacob Frenkel, I asked him if he saw a

global currency in the market for a globalized world. He told me that

before we could have a global currency, we needed harmonization of

economies. Eighteen months later I asked former Federal Reserve Chairman

Paul Volcker if we needed a global currency and he told me, 'For the long

term-but it's a long ways off, if we are going to be successful in a

globalized world, we should have an international currency. Since 2004, I

have been asking key officials at the Bank for International Settlements

in Basle about a global currency, they have told me it is a long way off.

I don't know what they call "a long way off" for chief economist William

White just issued a Working Paper, #193, in which he says the global

imbalances that the world economy currently has will lead either to a

return to the gold system (which is highly unlikely since you can't print

paper like we are currently doing) or an international currency.

So now we have the harmonization of world economies, the calls for an

international currency, a market based system in which all assets are now

traded on the stock or bond exchange and we are seeing now the rise of a

global stock exchange! All we need now is global taxation and that too, is

in the works.

The United States is the only country in the world NOT to have a Value

Added Tax and this is now part of President Bushes "tax simplification"

measures. As well, France is the first country to put a tax on airline

tickets to help the poor countries of the world. There are ten other

countries that are considering it as well. I asked French President

Jacques Chirac what he thought about a tax on airline tickets and he told

me that if it was a success many more global taxes of this kind were

being planned. Welcome to the new world order. World government is not

coming. It is here.