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The Economic Consequences of Longevity

Dave Wilbur

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ontrol was an art in old testament times. There can be no other explanation for the great battles where tens of thousands died. It is not a lost art! A trumpet was a means of mass communications, replaced years later with a bugle.

When credit exists only in the mind, and the Federal Reserve wrote that their system "works only with credit," they have to control the minds of the majority to work all of us with credit--and they do! Count those who believe government prints, collects, borrows and spends money and find not 1% control their own minds--the system works us ONLY with credit! One hundred percent of reports on government spending are lies. Until 1963, dollar bills were only promises to pay dollars of money. With the promises deleted, they are now less than that and "not dollars" said IRS. Our misleaders do not spend dollar bills either, they spend nothing, they expropriate with credit by writing checks against accounts with no funds.

The Federal Reserve is a bastard off-spring of Congress and their system of adulterated coins is the same identical system that Hitler had. This system requires a propaganda machine that would have made Hitler blush! Hitler controlled his subjects with credit, fear, lies, illusions, disease and amusements. The Fed controls their subjects with credit, fear, lies, illusions, disease and amusements that inhibit serious thinking.

To muse is to think--amuse is no think. Amusements inhibit thinking. Ball players, actors, entertainers, lawyers, journalists, novelists, cartoonists, pornographers, evangelists and casino operators are rewarded with millions in credit to keep us from thinking about this incredible system, we reward them by purchasing tickets, tapes, etc.

God promised long life if we refrained from using unjust weights, DE.25:13-15 Credit is weightless. The dollar by law is a FIXED weight of silver, see the Coinage Act of April 2, 1792 where Congress provided a penalty of death for officers of the mint who might participate in debasing our gold and silver coins. This harsh penalty was deemed necessary because those wise men knew that unrestrained counterfeiters could overthrow their Republic.

"The Federal Reserve is an omnipotent, benevolent counterfeiter"--wrote Nobel Prize winning economist, Paul Samuelson in Economics, Fourth Edition. THEY BENEFIT WHOM?

When we have nothing in the bank but numbers, taxes are illusions that effectively regulate our consumption by reducing the credit that we obtain consumables with. On 1040 Forms, we confess to how much we were robbed with credit though no lawyer or congressman can show us a law that requires us to file the forms! Congress cannot pass such a law that requires us to waive our rights. All who file returns do waive their God-given rights.

"If governments should refrain from regulation...the worthlessness of the money becomes apparent and the fraud upon the public can be concealed no longer," said economist, John Maynard Keynes in Economic Consequences of the Peace (1920).

It does not matter how long people live in a free society but when a few men get everything for nothing with credit and get their victims to ridicule and punish the few who protest, you have a very sophisticated slave system of jet propelled, air conditioned, steak eating slaves who are abused, amused, confused and defused! Can there be mas-ters without any slaves? "Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all commerce and industry"---President James A. Garfield (He was shot!) On page 3 of Modern Money Mechanics, which is free from the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. The Fed say THEY control the volume of money, making them our absolute masters--if poor Garfield knew what he was talking about. In Keeping Our Money (their credit) Healthy, the New York Fed wrote that their unlimited counterfeit would keep its value, "If there were fewer people bidding against each other." Do dead people bid? Do live people bid credit that is taxed out of their minds? They never wrote about healthy people! Does abortion, AIDS, cancer and heart disease leave fewer people bidding?

Where the Federal Reserve filled the 5th plank of Marx's Communist Manifesto, income tax filled his 2nd plank to regulate our consumption by regulating our use of counterfeit after we are robbed with it. All ten planks of Marx’s Communist Manifesto were enforced in America long before 50,000 + Americans died in Korea under the pretext of "halting communism." It has been proven that the 16th Amendment Income Tax was never ratified. Verify thru attorneys, Lawrence Becraft of Huntsville Alabama or Andrew B. Spiegel of Chicago--a great many more know!

"History shows that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit and violent means possible to maintain control over governments by controlling the money and the issuance of it"-- President James Madison.

Government can buy all drugs produced without raising taxes but this would end the drug war that justifies spec-ial new laws and the confiscation of property of rebels that Marx called for in his 4th plank! The drug war is a war against all Americans! You might find it is run by the same people who ran the opium war against China---the British Government, the only enemy we've ever had.

If presidents, governors, congressmen, legislators, judges, teachers, preachers, policemen and many others take oaths under penalty of death to uphold a secret society based in London, are we not ruled by the leaders of that secret society? Does not London tell us daily what our money is worth????

So, what are the economic consequences if everyone lived 75 years in a welfare state where the majority are re-warded with credit or dollar bills for not producing?

Pretend there were only 20 people on earth and the producers could produce six times what they consumed but only three were producing anything, there would be a problem that could be eliminated by eliminating two people or by increasing production. If these figures were each multiplied by 1 billion, would the problem disappear or would it be multiplied by 1 billion too? The answer is obvious.

In this ungodly, unconstitutional system, where the majority are rewarded with paper money for not producing so they will re-elect the rewarders, a ratio of production to consumption must be ruthlessly regulated or consumption will exceed production and the system will collapse. There can be no better way to enhance the ratio of production to consumption than to eliminate non-productive consumers, babies and retirees. Colorado's Governor Lamm said "Old people have the duty to die and get out of the way!" You know what their supreme cult (sick)sanctions for the wee ones!. Fluoridated water, chlorinated water, diet soda, high fructose corn syrup, alum, MSG, alloxin bleached flour, alcohol, carageenan, subsidized milk, sugar and tobacco and vaccinations help insure that we expire about the time we retire. Search milk+diabetes and find FOUR MILLION links! Search NTEU+fluoride too!

As for women’s rights, they waive them when they cohabit AND when they buy licenses or file tax returns. Abortion WAS NOT legalized because of women’s rights, it was because babies are non productive consumers.

"There are many ways to make the death rate increase." Robert McNamara in New Solidarity. Mar. 30, 1981

We do not know of a cure for cancer but we have an interesting tape of two radio talk shows on Royal Rife's suppressed research of the 1930s. Search: royal+rife


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