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The deep state got to Hannity

Jim Stone

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There will be no further discussion of the murder of Seth Rich. If you discuss any murder committed by the Clinton crime family, you are fake news and will be taken out along with the people they murder.

Don't be among the dreamers out there saying they are acting like this because they are losing, because if they can silence anyone they want, clearly they are not losing. They will remain in power for as long as the corrupted police forces and other security forces keep them there, and the fact that they are where they are only because the police see through to it means the police and other security forces are everyone's enemy, it is not just a ghetto meme.

Kim Dotcom released a statement yesterday which made it clear Seth Rich did the leaks, but even Kim backed off and did not take it the whole way. Everyone seems too afraid to speak up, even in the face of completely clear and evident need. If we sit here silent and allow ourselves to be crushed for even a little bit longer, we will lose forever. They are on the brink of final, absolute, smack down victory and the future they have for us is the end of us, we will never escape a rapidly approaching technological enslavement and perfectly calculated tyranny.

REMEMBER: The police acheive cooperation ONLY, AND ONLY with the threat of violence, killing, and the threat of imprisonment. That is 100 percent of what the police operate on. Either you cooperate or you will be smashed or killed or imprisoned, even if there was no crime when they got your attention. There is absolutely nothing other than that to the way they function - cooperate or you are gone.

If the criminals in the government are operating with impunity and the police will do nothing to stop them, just because that is where the police draw their paycheck from and can be brainwashed, then obviously the criminals in government need a different mode of enforcement from we the people following through with the exact same tactics the police use against us. It is either that, or the end of all, and the shutting up of Sean Hannity proved it.

"They" can do whatever they want, including murder, and we just have to suck it up. We can't even mention it, or we are gone all the while the same people who killed Seth Rich will bother us and possibly jail us over a garden. Folks, that's fair, right? As long as the law says you can't touch the murderers, it's all fair, because the law is ALL, right? Let the murderers walk free, without anyone being allowed to even say anything happened when they murder, but YOU can go to jail for your tomato plants if they are not approved. That's all fair and good, as long as the law, and those who enforce the law, make it so, RIGHT?

If you are not going to police the police, and put justice where it is needed you might as well grind up your guns and use them as an iron supplement in your morning cereal. That's what they are good for. After all, only the police can actually use one, even if it is to enforce and support corruption at the highest level, RIGHT?. Any good citizen who follows the law ought to know their guns are only for play and target practice. You had better damn well never use one to put things "right". You ought to know that you, and especially your kids, are not supposed to have a future, your child's future belongs to those who murdered Seth Rich, and Sean Hannity just proved it. It will be so, for as long as you suck it up and eat your cheerios.
