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Donald Trump versus the New World Order - Parts 1-4

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Dec. 12, 2016

This is a series of interviews with Frank Raymond, the author of the politically incorrect thriller, Sweet Dreams and Terror Cells. Frank has given us a work of entertainment and literature that describes the unique identity, the folk soul and the forest mind of Caucasian man and woman, and reveals the methods by which by the Sneak Rulers of the New World Order are effecting the genocide of all the white peoples.

The evil elites of the New World Order have been working for over a century to take control over all the Caucasian lands, genocide the white peoples and replace them with a colored mass that they will mongrelize and debase, and use as slaves. They are doing this by destroying the primary defense mechanism of any race or blood-blend, the nation-state. Look around you, and see the alien peoples who are replacing white people in Britain, France, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the US … At one time they used Bolshevism, and now they are employing the slower processes of Cultural Marxism, Hollywood-style mind-bending, multiculturalism, ‘refugee inflows’ and open borders. They aim to transform all the white countries into a single super-state populated by debased proles. We shall call this super-state “Oceania,” in deference to Orwell’s vision in his novel 1984. The Masters aspire to rule Oceania, and to trade with the entire world on a globalized model, with Oceania open to ‘free trade,’ a de-industrialized hinterland. The immense volumes of ‘free trade’ will enrich the Masters, and they shall apply police state repression upon the disarmed, ‘gun-controlled’ masses. The European Union, NAFTA, and TPP are way-stations to Oceania.

Today, for the first time since the Second World War, there is a populist resistance to the New Order, and its unlikely leader is Donald Trump. He has dared to name the elements of the New Order: key international banks, the mainstream media and the subverted parliaments of the almost-defunct states of the West. He has named some of the string-pullers: George Soros and the bank Goldman Sachs. This election is the last electoral chance for white peoples and for all citizens of the United States to retain their way of life and their freedoms. So proclaims Donald Trump, and many agree, including Frank Raymond.

So, sit back and enjoy as Frank Raymond discusses this historic phenomenon, in this blinding moment of decision for life on the planet. Because that is what is at stake. For more light on the matter, read Sweet Dreams and Terror Cells, preferably in paperback. Find it here: