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Jeff Berwidk

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Oct. 31, 2016

If you are one of the few people left watching the mainstream media, you’d think that the only thing currently going on has to do with Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.

There is much more going on than that, however.  Aside from the ongoing military tensions with Russia and the faltering economy, there is a stand-off currently happening that is barely being reported on in the mainstream.

Just a few days ago, tensions really began to escalate on the Sioux reservation land in Standing Rock, North Dakota. There, highly militarized riot police used sound cannons, pepper spray, and tasers to try to both arrest and subdue Native American “Indian” tribes and environmental activists alike who are struggling to protect land from developers of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

In fact, this is part of a much larger elite machination. This 1,172 mile pipeline which is set to run through “Indian” land, is evidently – reportedly – part of a larger, longstanding plan to connect Canada, the US and Mexico. It’s called the North American Union.

Initial plans called for a superhighway that would stretch from, Canada to Mexico, effectively cutting the US in two and increasing the economic power of Canada and Mexico commensurately.

The construction of the multinational conglomerate supported crude oil line, violates various treaties signed as far back as the 19th century and also threatens to both destroy and contaminate sacred tribal sites and potable drinking water respectively.

Of course, as with most globalist initiatives, the multinational and mainstream media proponents of the pipeline promote it as a “safer and more cost effective” alternative. These companies make a point to emphasize the “energy saving” aspects and “eco-friendly” benefits of the pipeline plus make claims that it will produce less greenhouse emissions in addition to providing greater state revenues.

Ultimately the elites want a world government, but the next step is a North American Union to complement the foundering European Union. They’ll destroy what they have to – including the US itself – in order to achieve their sociopathic goals.

In establishing this union, they presumably want pipelines, supranational highways and a common currency which is why there has been talk in the past about a North American currency similar to the euro, called the “Amero”.

Remember, everything the globalists do is being done to facilitate financial “equality”. They want to level the world economic playing field so it’s easier for them to gain further control.

You can read more about this in the second edition of my book, Shemitah Trends: The Plot to Enslave Humanity and How to Find Freedom (Kindle Edition) here.  The book shows clearly that various recurring timelines such as Shemitah and Jubilee are used by global elites as trigger points for political, military and economic disasters.

Their endgame is obvious if you look at one of the stated goals in the UN’s 2030 plan which in its own words aims to “reduce inequality within and among countries,” and goes on to say that this is “only possible if wealth is shared and income inequality is addressed.”

As the elites attempt to assemble more components of this supranational infrastructure to “unite” North America, they are displaying to independent journalist and people at home how they have no remorse for using violence as a means of getting what they want.

However while many have been distracted lately by US political campaigns, global crisis and race issues during the last year, elite plans for a North American Union have been continuing to quietly expand on other fronts.

For example, back in early 2015 when John McCain helped to approve the extension of interstate-11 – a road which will eventually connect parts of the US to a NAFTA superhighway including other routes like the CANAMEX corridor.

Nobel Peace Prize winner, Barack O’Bomber, has done what he has always done, in regards to this current dispute with Native Americans.

He says one thing:



And then does the other:



But, as we pointed out yesterday, there is a lot to be optimistic about.

While Brexit, and even Trump, may have been to some extent manufactured, they still show a rising up of the people against globalism.

Even last week there was another win for the people.

Back in 2014, Cliven Bundy, a Nevada rancher, who was essentially jailed because he refused to pay federal grazing fees, filed a lawsuit against; US judge Gloria Navarro, Nevada Senator Harry Reid and even the Nobel peace prize winner himself, Barack O’bomber.

But now a jury has found brothers Ammon and Ryan plus five other armed militiamen to be not-guilty of “conspiring against the government.” This is a tremendous setback to the federal government that has claimed and controlled millions of acres in the Midwest USA without any right to do so. (Please note, by the way, that the Bundy challenges were non-violent despite the presence of weapons. Any rational person should be able to arm himself.)

Unfortunately, the elites who control nearly everything are not going to go down without a fight.

We live in the most interesting of times.  A worldwide awakening is occurring just as the world controllers are taking their final steps toward a tyrannical world government.

You have the power to do something.  Share this information and protect yourself from the actions of the globalists by becoming a dollar vigilante (click here to find out more) and selling your fiat currency for things like gold, silver and bitcoin.