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Sept. 17, 2016

One World of Nations

Chessboard Earth Series

16 September 2016

[For Part 1 See: Chessboard Earth: Ignorance is No Excuse]

Deeper into the Labyrinth of the true Pervasive Evil which is bringing the world to the very brink of WW III. All planned by Evil Men. This Luciferian Cult, who are the Religious Advisors to Obama himself, creating the New World Order, all subservient to Rome, One World Government and Leader – Theirs!

What are the Geopolitical implications for America’s and Europe’s real future?

With a Jesuit White Pope, masking the iniquities and evils of the Jesuits Black Pope, it’s time to look at what is unfolding as its history was always predicated to be this way. Study the real enemy, their mind set, origins of beliefs and agendas. Failure to do so has allowed such a predatory advance unchecked. We are looking down the throat of the most duplicitous, carnally evil and inhumane Military Intelligence Organisation on the face of the earth, with its pre-planned deep cover penetration of all aspects of Monetary, Military, Intelligence, Political, and Asset enriched organisation on the planet. They use the Papacy only to enhance and shield their own ideologies, cynically murdering even Popes and Presidents to order for non-compliance. Even a Billion practising Catholics have no idea they are being ruthlessly played, or their Global Vatican tyranny is enforced at will. This bloodsucking Tapeworm controls the Vatican, its fortunes, its vast Global monetary infrastructure and deep coffers, it’s education and their worldwide perverse aspirational religious doctrines and policies.